The Grizzo

Mazda's PR team is really underrated. They make all sorts of unique gestures to the public by building off of these kind of humble stories, putting modest people in the spotlight and turning fans into brand loyalists.

When asked for his thoughts on the matter, Swedish Grand Admiral Sven Karlstadt Billybookcase added: "I agree. This is some bullshit right here."

Does it have to be a car I've driven?

A Miata. Seriously. I know, I know, Miata Is Always The Answer, but in this case it's true.

Which drops faster, the top or your future sexual partner's underwear?

I think I speak for most of commenteriat when I say, Fuck that dealership.

I guess I should have shown up E to the A to the E A R L I E R

I still can't believe my other suggestion didn't make it...

You can read any book in here as long as its Neil Gaiman. Or Hemmingway or Adams. Or Pratchett. Pretty much anything really.

You owe me a 10-page report.

Someone must have voted for Pedro.

Between this and the Viper s2000 posted last week, if I ever need ideas for a fun way to kill myself Jalopnik will be the first place I look.