Sure! I'll do just that. :)
Sure! I'll do just that. :)
Acura, huh? Suppose I could PM you or exchange email to get advice on a 97 Acura CL?
I drive EVERYWHERE for people. I’m often asked to drive friends to the bars 30 miles away. But that’s after I drive about 45 to get to the town where the friends stay. “Hey, come hang out! We’re gonna go to the bars tonight!”..............”I’LL DRIVE.”
Wow... I don't think we crack $10,000 a year here.
According to this link an NSX hits about 200mph. Not sure the cost though, but no mods needed. At the very least, you could probably drop a seat and maybe go on a bit of a fast and hit that speed.
I can understand that. :) I like Rut.
See, I don't feel that Adam adds much to the show. He's not bad, by far... but Rutledge seems to have a decent amount of car knowledge. Mainly about NASCAR, but still...
I'd watch that show.
I don't know how I feel about Tim Allen, personally... but I think he'd be a good fit for a show like that. When the rumors of TG USA were about, and Jay Leno was confirmed to not be a host, I thought Tim Allen would be a good fit. But, in a perfect world, Jay Leno has the experience as a TV host and would be a…
I'd like to suggest an edit to James May's Twitter bio. "Former TV presenter only remembered for saying "Buffeting..." aka Cpt. Slow aka Mr. Slowly"
Not Seinfeld... if you want a second comedian that's a "car guy" Tim Allen would be better.
Top Gear is part of what made me consider myself a "car guy". I like the US show, but ever since it changed from the UK format it's just not as good. Also, the trio of Clarkson, May, and Hammond are iconic. If they kill Top Gear, I hope those guys get another show and get the chance to make it a world wide version of…
I really hope more companies get into the car cloning business. I'd love a modern 1964 Impala.
Sorry you had to go through that. America has been a country full of mixed races and cultures for a long time. There's no excuse for people to treat you like that in the US. Sadly, racism is still everywhere. I'm white, but grew up with mostly black and Latino people. I've had people be racist toward me, so I kinda…
She's cute....
Someone call the squirrels. I found a nutbag.
I'd always played with toy cars as a kid, my dad was a mechanic, and I grew up with Mario Kart and Pole Position was the first video game I remember playing.
But what really "flipped the switch" for me was probably lowrider culture, the first Fast and Furious movie (I know, I know...) and finally the Forza game series.
WAIT!! Race Wars isn't on this list?! Fail. ;)
Divatox and Scorpina are supposed to be the chicks with Zach.