
I don’t know if this has been addressed yet, as I was just reminded by this post, but any truth to Nissan making the R32, R33, ect legacy cars with new part avalibility?

I believe it was the whole Desert Storm thing.

The rest of Gawker can burn. But I love Jalopnik. <3

Video games helped me with general driving knowledge. Snow driving though... I was lucky enough to be moving from Chicago to central Missouri. Had to go recover more stuff left behind a few years later when I was 20 or so. Ended up in Chicago traffic... with a moving truck... in a blizzard. Good times.

Wait, the guy from Friends was used to attract the US market instead of someone like Jay Leno or Tim Allen? SUPER weird....


And this is why even though I respect the sport of NASCAR (although I think they need non-oval tracks too... are there non oval tracks in NASCAR??) I can never watch this crap. And this is coming from a pretty hardcore pro wrestling fan. Yeah, sure... the WWE Hall of Fame is filled with murderers, wife beaters,

I got pulled over by a local Sherriff for speeding a few weeks ago. Luckily, he let me go because it was raining. The truck had a standard livery on it, and it wasn’t black. But the lights were TOUGH to see. In Columbia (Missouri) the city police are getting more of these, and the livery is black on black. So you

So much want. I can haz?

If Hogan ends up owning Gawker, I hope he keeps Jalopnik around. I love Jalopnik. I abandonded Kotaku and io9 a long time ago. But Jalopnik... we good.

LOL! I was gonna say, what did I do?! ^_^

Walter Peck wouldn’t stand for this...

I just discovered these guys a month or so ago. I LOVED their Japanese specials. Good stuff.

I mean... why not just use the pics she ripped off? I really don’t get this.

Big omission here: Knights of the Old Republic.

Well, now the folks on i09 can probably tell you why the Delorian can do it. Even though to meet time travel speed and see some serious shit, you have to go 88, and the speedo on the Delorian only reads to 80... and I’m sure the Challenger can easily hit that speed.... you need to make sure the Flux Capacitor is in

I saw an article about smug Tesla owners the other day. For some reason, your post reminded me of that....

I don’t have a story. But I want a Tesla so very much. That being said, they’ve become the new Prius. Not in the mechanical sense, but in the smug owner sense. There was a South Park episode about that, and really though, you can swap the word ‘Prius’ with ‘Tesla’ and it’s the same show.

Sorry, going to have to break that Cartoon Network request, but Metalocalypse belongs on a car. Totally. If not that, I think that a Twilight Zone livery could be cool. Or, if the show wasn’t about to end, maybe Mythbusters.

If we didn’t have front and back plate requiements here in Missouri, I’d consider throwing a Japanese plate on my car.... not even going to lie... BUT! Only if my car had the Bosozoku thing going on with it.