
Fuck yeah, yo. Science and History. I wants it too.

I wanna like MMA, but yeah. The Monster drinking, Affliction wearing, Axe smelling douche bags ruin it for me.

Kinda hate to admit this... but I can't wait for that. I love Jim Ross.

Sorry, anything other than the stock SNES controllers were terrible.

I had one of those ASCIIPAD controllers for my SNES. It sucked.

The photo editing kind of makes me not sure, but I heard that was Kerri Hoskins of Playboy and Mortal Kombat 3 fame.

It's crazy, isn't it? A former co-worker had this amazing game on her phone. Pretty much you just tap the black keys as they fall downward. That's so simple, and freakin' fantastic. I wish I'd invented it... Oh man...

Pshhh... that ain't no joke.

Veyrons are cool and all... but is it bad that I'd rather have a GT-R?

The Germans do know about industry...

I went to Full Sail for game design, some people think that sucks, others don't... But they told us that too. Make games. No matter what. I've been slacking because I squeaked by my programming classes. So I've been trying to learn how to code better. But with stress from life in general, I haven't been doing too

Hello! Game enthusiast and designer here. I prefer fall damage if the occasion calls for it. For games that are based in a bit of reality, something like a FPS like Call of Duty, yes. Something not based in reality, such as Mario Bros. I don't think fall damage should be a part of the game. It's all a matter of if

I'm not an irrigation specialist or anything, but why can't we purify ocean water for consumption? I figure there's a reason. But with the planet being 80%+ water, and California next to the world's biggest ocean, I just figured we could do something about the drought. Meh. I need to go science tonight I think.

Meanwhile, I can't even raise the money to get my car fixed...smh.

Is Staind still a band? I just thought it was the lead singer an an acoustic guitar now. The things you learn. Neat. :)

I remember finding out a while back, if you want to play an evil game, the two most evil things you can do is blow up Megaton, and set the tree (I forget his name at the moment) on fire in Oasis. EVIL!!! *pinky to mouth*

Jericho was my fave originally, but I liked to blow up Megaton. Strangely, I find myself favoring the ghoul, Raul, in New Vegas. But that's probably because I like having Danny Trejo's voice in the background.

Charon was my dude in that game... I need to play that again.

I don't think so. But only because it happened over 100 years ago. Everyone who was involved is long since dead. If you are Mexican-American, I'd say be mad at anyone who'd do something bad to Mexican-Americans in this day and age. If that makes sense. Personally, I'm against racial pride or country pride. I didn't
