The God Emperor Of Mankind

came here to say this. We need Freedom Fighters 2 real bad.

Cross-Gen? What an odd decision to make, I am sure that will make Xbone's fly off the shelves...

Maybe it was my fondness for the original "Red Dawn" but the original Homefront wasn't that bad, the weapons lacked punch and everything was a bit plain, but it was a good rent.

It did just make me desperately want a new Freedom Fighters though..

QUOTE | "If you want to sell a game for $60, to the player it has to feel like $200...In 2014, $60 for a game is a little insane." - Creative director Adrian Chmielarz talking about the lessons of Bulletstorm and the problem with prices.

Wait..Text adventures like
"You are in a room, what do you do?"
"Go North"
"I don't know what north is.."

Or Text Adventures like
*90 minutes of slow scrolling exposition about pork buns or something*
"Yes, I think so"
*Another 90 minutes of exposition, but this time with some static fan-service screen shots thrown in*

I predict that Chaos;Child will come out in the US in 2025. Robotics;Notes will be 2020.

Well, I am one of the lucky ones who had zero problems with BF4, so I am in Day 1 with this!

Bingo — I would argue that it is actually far more corrosive than simple click-bait, and the people here defending it here by saying "She never implied a connection to the massacre" are full of shit. The passage in full from the article is

Jesus Christ, get rid of Iwata and the technophobic twats running Nintendo..


My word, this guy is like the MRA Poster boy?

Here's a clue you fucking Ring-Sausage, being "Nice", being "Lonely" or being a "Gentleman" don't entitle you to a girlfriend or sex!

You know what entitles you to a girlfriend or sex? FUCKING NOTHING!

LSD is an unusually fragile compound. Heat,Light,Air,Moisture and Time will break it down. - Usually in that order. It's impossible to smoke LSD for this very reason. Even LSD left in a room of 30-35C+ over a period of a month or more.. there will be a noticeable reduction in potency.

QUOTE | "I think the core audience on PC is more forgiving, so it's easier, but when you go to consoles you really have to try to make things perfect." - CD Projekt Red CEO Marcin Iwiński, talking about the difficulties of publishing The Witcher 3.

Well, to be fair to the people that called him out, before the big consoles came out he said in a video
"It's a new console show me what this thing can do inside of a game. I don't know if you noticed. I don't know how many of the press conferences you watched. How many people walked out saying "yea this is 1080p

I feel like a teenager waiting for a returned glance from a crush but it's really just confirming some dates for blu-ray discs to arrive in the mail so I can play them on the new plastic boxes. God the internet hates me. They don't just want me dead; they want to rape my wife, because . . . of resolution differences.

DocSeuss has a very obvious Sony Bias, so I wouldn't bother engaging with him, he conducted "Experiments" that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sony has the worst and most toxic fan community.

If anything, he just seems bitter that he can't buy video games with food stamps.

I bet you read Polygon and fuck yourself furiously to photos of Phil Spencer don't you?

This probably has less talking and more action than the fucking Anime..

These were my favourites from the Big Neogaf Thread about Kinect!

IDC also predicted the industry would look like this by 2012:

Drop the price of the X1 and ill grab one and this on release day.