Oh How I hate the Harley that the Arkham games ushered in.
I'm sorry, but that girl deserves to be charged. When your dad is confronting your boyfriend in your room with a gun, that's not the time to save your own ass.
I still don't get why they would waste so much time on such boring Mech Designs.
"Good Players" – The majority of gamers will fall into this level. As we've said before, we have plans to introduce rewards for good behavior and look forward to sharing more in the future! Warnings for "Needs Work" – Beginning this month, some players will start receiving reputation warnings as their reputations drop…
After watching "Indie Game the Movie" my fiancee has been desperate to play this game and she uses my PS3 and PS4 more than anything else I own.
Might grab this so she can finally have a go! I might even give it a go too, it looks fun!
man, those are some low quality textures!
I was worried about Second Son.
I regret not picking this up over Ground Zeroes and FFXHD.
Although, if I do well on my University Assignment, I will treat myself even though I really shouldnt!
Sub 720. Sub 30FPS. Calling it now.
Well, they are going to need a console for the JRPG's they will inevitably moneyhat to try to "Break" Japan again.
Today, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One will be out in Japan in September 2014. That's almost a year after it…
You are amazing, can I screencap this conversation? I want to touch myself to the thoughts of your daft anger for years to come!
Such Angry. Do you work for Maxis by any chance? If that's the case, I can help you out with some cash if you need it?
Hahahaha...Offline Mode? I thought that was "Impossible"
I might grab this game when it ends up in a Humble bundle mind you..
God I hope not, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon only coming out on the 360 was a massive fucking shame, those games were amazing and had legs to become something.
Because of the stupid exclusivity though, they were forgotten and are forever doomed to appear on "Look over.." and "Forgotten gems.." lists on YouTube.
Shiiiit..They needed TEN months to produce the 80 Xbones that will sell in Japan? Where are XB1's made? Fucking Narnia!?
The PS4's first big exclusive is out next week, and here's some shiny new footage to celebrate, featuring…