I look forward to DocSeuss's arrival on this story to tell us all about how Sony is the worst company in the world and their fans are the biggest trolls in the world.
Aside from that, I would give anything for Sakurai to make something for the PS4.
I look forward to DocSeuss's arrival on this story to tell us all about how Sony is the worst company in the world and their fans are the biggest trolls in the world.
Aside from that, I would give anything for Sakurai to make something for the PS4.
It's probably because of nature of the change. or how it was handled.
But Most likely its a matter of what another commenter said as most of the people complaining were from the USA this censorship doesn't effect them so they don't care as much.
Me I think changing the original content can be annoying some times. the…
Did anyone notice any of the difference in outrage between South Parks "Censorship" and Bravely Defaults "Censorship" ?
It seemed funny to me, that some commenters were VERY loud and vocal about how what was being done to Bravely Default was the worst thing in the world, infringed on the spirit of the game and was…
They seem to have a more aggressive fan base because you've obviously come to a frivolous decision on the subject and likely focus on those particular people because of that bias... and it's pretty clear. Like the people who swear everyone is starting to drove the same car they just bought... ignoring that they've…
I know what this is, the only cure for your myriad of imaginary diseases the attention you so desperately court with second-hand opinions with some obvious troll-bait thrown in?
End of an era for Sony I guess with so many people leaving...
How do you have time to be posting here? Shouldn't you be off begging for food stamps or posting about your myriad of illnesses to garner sympathy?
And unlike Mattrick, he will actually be missed.
UT also never needed map packs either since epic provided the UDK and all the best maps were user created. Those were the days.
10 years ago, Epic gave away what would now be DLC as free patches for Unreal Tournament 2004.
But that was 10 years ago. The industry has changed. We have to deal with it.
Remember the good ol days when you bought a game and got all the content? Those where good times.
Fuck off.
Honestly? I Think it might be better for Microsoft to forget about Japan entirely and focus on the market the box was designed for, America.
I can't see them selling more than 50,000 in the first year in Japan.
Bring this to the UK..Along with Yakuza 5...Please *weeps*
Mr. Lee, you thought you were talented enough to remake Oldboy, you were not. Now go away.
If Katy Perry would like some support in these trying and probably awful times for her, I am perfectly willing to offer her company and lovings..
If she needs me, I will be sat here in my pants with a bottle of rum weeping into my useless degrees, how she could resist me I don't know..