The God Emperor Of Mankind

Wasn't this known from the start? Around E3 the guy was saying that they only had enough resources to work on one platform at a time, so since they had started working on the PS4 version first that would be the one they finish before moving onto another system?

After playing DOTA 2 for close to 48 hours solid for no other reason than "lol weekend" I can sometimes hear people scream "FUCKING NOOB!" when walking down the street.

Really? In the Grey Market they can pretty much get anything they want. I imagine that most people who want an Xbox One there imported it.

I would ask if this was going to be on Twitch or some other website, but considering the source it's going to be one way and one way to watch this only.

I mean, come on, it's not like you can just flip some switch and reverse a decision is it?

Well, Gaga over Madonna simply for the fact that I don't find Gaga so mindblowingly up her own arse in interviews.

Well, it won't in this Article since this is about the Xbox One, there have been a few articles saying that the console is coming to China some point before this year is over.

Well neither does Microsoft..The PS4 is coming out there as well, which is why they asked the question in the previous article..

I dunno, I mean not last week Kotaku did that article about did the Chinese want the X1 and it was something like 4% of people asked wanted one compared to 54% wanting the PS4

Obama can be watching in the background wanking off into an NRA Charter!

What about Reagan felating a donkey?

I saw the gif and Tuna just shot into my mind!

Oh my god, why don't we put Hillary on one side and Obama on the other? Hillary can hold a sign with "Socialist Medicine" and Obama can have a sign which says "Contraceptives for all!" and we can PUT THEM ON THE COINS!

Haha..Well, surely if they were going to stick it in the thong of a "Poof" they would see Hillary and instantly feel so angry they couldn't abuse the young lady infront of them!

I'd like it to be Hillary just so all republicans suffer severe shit fits all the time they go into their wallets!

Yeah, I'm just going to dismiss everything from you from now on. You're a dribbler with a keyboard.

Fanboy Wars? I never made mention to any other competition, hell the PS4 is selling like shit in Japan currently..

You are the one wanting to "Wish Luck" to a company that couldn't give a single fuck whether you lived or died. Go away child and take your shit with you.


Ohhh ok, well I didn't know that! Well, it should be an interesting release anyway!