The God Emperor Of Mankind

Are their numbers for pre-orders in Japan though? I mean like solid numbers or just people going "It's sold all it's pre-orders!" and they had 10 consoles to pre-order.

I don't know, I still want to see some numbers before we can circle "China" on the "Will it save the Xbox One" chalkboard!

I don't think China really cares about console gaming anymore, nor does Japan it seems.

Well, those don't give numbers though? I mean, if console gaming is as dead in Japan as most people think it could only be something like 20,000 systems to top those pre-orders?

Also, if a store is only getting 5 Xbox Ones and those all pre-order then sure you can call it the "Top Pre-Ordered Console!"

If it sells

O RLY? So, since the PS2 China have not been able to buy any console or videogame ever?

True dat, Hopefully that one ends up on PS4 so I can play with friends!

I think if I want the Mech game I described, I better make it myself!

None of the previous generation set the world on fire over there didn't they? And I remember from articles they weren't exactly hard to find in most big cities were they?

Is China a big Net-Cafe/PC country? Because it seems all of those "China Exclusives" are just F2P MMO's which they would already have access to, and

I just...I see all of Asia as just this big sink for Microsoft, I mean you have been able to get the console in all of those countries already surely? That's how it is here in Europe anyway, all the countries that Microsoft have designated "Shit Tier" you can still buy it everywhere..

I would be massively surprised if

No, I didn't mean that's what I expected TF to be, Christ respawn could barely finish it with the limited amount of stuff that was in it.

I am talking about my IDEAL Mech game ya know?

it's a very competent and well put together game, I agree with that entirely! I just, it's not the way it works for me you know? In my mind, if I get a Mech/Person shooter I want it to be a bit more like Mech Warrior.

I want the world based multiplayer domination mode and mech Customisation from Chrome Hounds, the

I just want more stuff to play with honestly, the maps could be mesh wire frame or like the training store from SF4 and there is nothing there which I find massively revolutionary!

I want some new weapons and titans simply just to try some new play styles ya know?

Well, guess I won't be installing it again then.

Any new weapons or titans?

Madonna is the worst for shit like this, she is the worst example of "Great Saviour" complex, she does nothing but tweet or put up a picture and wants credit for being the worlds peace leader..

I think the markets arguement is a bit of wishful thinking really. There is not a single market that you cannot buy an Xbox One and have it work properly in, hell most of the "Tier 2" European countries had them day one. People just don't want them.

Deep Silver is fucking Battleship Potemkin compared to Ryse!

It was more their butchering of history with "Ryse" that's made me unreasonably salty.

Well, the release date is still just "2015" it could be pushed back! And I hope it Does, Crytek couldn't write a decent story if they tried.

Good! Now there is a chance for a decent story in this game now!

Part of me thinks this is some chest beating from Sony, I don't think they were even offered the service.

Not having blind faith in a company which not only brought us the latest Sim City, but "Dungeon Keeper Mobile" which they then had the balls to tell us it failed because it "Innovated too much"

Of course though, I am sure you'll swallow anything sent you're way eh champ?