
As my very wise, 5-years-older friend has been telling me for years, it's never to early for a little eye-cream... #motherdaughteraging

@Eriu: I had plaid low top Cons, too! And when they wore out, I cut the heel backs off and wore them as slip ons. That was the height of chic in 1993. #delias

@Penny: Ha ha! My parents are the opposite. Last time I was home for vacation we drank 3 bottles of wine every single day. I was like, dudes, I need a night off! #rhodajanzen

I really want to read this. Saw an interview with her in EW yesterday and it sounds right up my alley. Side Note: the EW interview says that she ended up marrying a Mennonnite man who was featured in the book (but won't say which).

Finally, the 30 Rock recap I've been waiting for all day!

"Hillary is bawdy — she likes beer, dick jokes, cheeseburgers, and sports. She got in trouble a lot in high school — mostly for talking in class and drawing naked pictures on the overhead when the teacher wasn't looking"

Ack! They turned Rainbow Brite into Hilary Duff!

My Minnesota-raised mother introduced me to Betsy-Tacy. I find that unless they (or their mothers) were raised in the Midwest, people have not heard of these at all.

@alexburrito: Publishing is the same as every other "entertainment"-related industry. Trust.

As a child, I had a really really mean cat named Emily (my family had a penchant for naming our cats with hilariously serious adult-sounding names. Our other cat was named William).

@BlondeGoddess: Hahaha! I'll never forget seeing their wedding announcement in the Times.

@hellosunshine: That story reminds me of the episode of My Boys where they stage a "Douche Intervention."

@Skellatrix: Yup, I recently saw 12 of them in Prospect Park. It was a class with an instructor and everything. One of them was wearing those gold lame American Apparel leggings.

@Le Kangourou de Kataroo: I have been walking by that dress every day (it's in the window of the JCrew around the corner from my office).

Semi-Colon! Incredibly useful.

@sassyredhead: Oh I KNOW. His dad is, in my opinion, the handsomest man in the world. Srsly.

@envirodesigner: You know what though? My friends who are engaged/married say they get hit on 100% more with rings than they did when they were single. I've seen this in action.

God I love the makeup from this show. I will be copying!

@The Media: Which explains why I sometimes get Friended by creepy dudes from Russia with whom I share no mutual friends. Trust me, I'm clicking "Ignore."

@Penny: Weirdly, this picture is the first time I noticed the sequins. And I've looked at about 10 best/worst lists so far this morning.