
I've taken from this thread a few things...

And then people like you take it away

People like you give me hope for the gaming future

I lived in a basement (not my mom's, hur hur) without internet access for nine months. Never did Steam ever ask to be taken online or let me stop playing my installed games. Even if it did, that's still about what, 31 times better than the XBO plan.

Apparently you do. Enough to comment on my comment. Thanks for playing!

It's designed for flexibility.

my favorite Xbox vs PS4 poll was on xbox forums itself. 75% of people said they'll get PS4 instead of Xbox One... If that doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what does...

As we move into this new generation of games and entertainment, from time to time, Microsoft may change its policies, terms, products and services to reflect modifications and improvements to our services, feedback from customers, and our business partners or changes in our business priorities and business models or