
@SorcererLance: Eh, that's just a little side-boob. No harm done.

I am joking. I don't pirate books. I'm an aspiring author as well and pirating books would just make me feel dirty, especially since I would like to make a living off of my writing. I fully agree that an author should be compensated for the work they have produced and I do so by buying books either in print or in

@NeoTechni: I'm planning on publishing my first novel-length work (whenever I get around to finishing it) on Amazon to see how things go because the publishing industry seems to have a bit too much over the books published. I'd rather retain such control for myself.

I guess it's back to torren...uh...I mean buying my books legally. Yes. That is what I meant.

"Microsoft won't have a serious dog in the tablet fight until the end of 2012. But who needs products when you can sue for licensing fees?"

Yeah, in retrospect, I should've added a smiley or something in there to make sure it was evident that I got the humor behind your comment.

@rashad123us: Well, since this is the Soviet Union we're talking about, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have cared.

The contrast between blue and orange in the lead image is brilliant. Nicely done.

Seems like a nice little project. I'll try it out when I have some extra cash, some free time and some soldering experience.

This is

The little bastard deserved it. I have no sympathy for bullies and I think they deserve any and all punishment they receive.'s the problem with that...

Yeah, I guess you're right. We'll see eventually, I guess.

Very cool but having to pay to activate it now is a load of crap if you ask me.

Why would anyone want to amplify the terrible quality sound that comes out of the iPod earbuds to begin with?

Are you surprised? Apple always abandons owners of the previous generation hardware when the new thing comes out.

Free music is always great. Thanks!

See that registered symbol next to "The Internet"?

I like it, but it ain't no Supra.

Well, I know what service I'LL be using to publish my first book...