
@paco650: And that is going to be in my nightmares for the next month...

Well, if this is true, I guess no buttons and touchscreen controls is better than no buttons at all (current gen iPod Shuffle).

It's amazing that magazines will gladly bend over for advertisers and fire tenured journalists for merely stating the truth.

I like how the guy even parked in a zone in which it clearly states "No Parking Fire Lane"

It means that I've got some expensive upgrades to do very soon.

I'm pretty sure that, somewhere, Captain Planet is crying tears of joy right now.

Took me a second to get it but when I did, I burst out laughing.

Such amazing photos of asplosions. Michael Bay would be proud.

It looks like an aquarium for people.

Argh. I probably would've gotten that Sansa Fuze deal but it's sold out.

As much as I agree with the idea that it's not the tools but the photographer that creates good shots, this was the wrong way to prove that point. After all, the pictures were taken with professional model, exceptional lighting and then touched up afterwards in software.

This is news?


This is so...appropriate...

Wooo! Another problem iPhone 4 problem! Go Apple! They sure know how to build and launch one hell of an awesome device!

Very nice iPhone 4 launch Apple.

Cool idea...

Well, I don't have a Zune Pass so this doesn't matter much to me but it definitely strikes me as a missed opportunity.

Bill Trinen's look is perfect. He looks like he's thinking "The fuck is this shit?"

@DittoBox: Meh. The Forza series has been better than the GT series for a while now. GT may have better graphics and more cars but honestly, I'm not holding my breath.