You mean Chris, right? He was played by Joe Dempsie, who is now Gendry on Game of Thrones.
Yeah, give him a decade and he'll be a Hiddleston or a Cumberbatch. His last name is just confusing enough to pronounce that it will work.
He's attractive, successful, an official fashion muse to Tom Ford, dating Jennifer Lawrence, had major roles in a cult favorite television show and a much-loved comic book franchise, AND still unfamous enough to walk amongst the normals. He wins.
I have British relatives who are still waiting for Robbie Williams to break through in the US.
I'm guessing there are things other than rape to be found in that vast and diverse country.
It was her fault.
Wow, Gayle Gergich is looking great! Was she attending some sort of Pawnee political event?
Rebecca Romijn's favorite Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition memory is when Tyra Banks almost drowned.
i wouldnt want to bring my baby to a fancy dinner like that bc i would want to be able to enjoy every leisurely bite. with a baby, you have to eat in 3 minutes or less and get going!
Dude, Jennifer Lawrence is great. She's an amazing actress and has a wonderful personality. Lupita should be getting more roles, I absolutely agree - but we don't have to take down one great woman to bring up another.
So that Daily Mail link on Benedict Cumberbatch "doing a dance" misidentifies a pic of BC, Michael Fassbender and Chiwetel Ejiofor...the STAR OF THE FUCKING MOVIE THEY WERE AT THE GOLDEN GLOBES FOR, as BC, Michael Fassbender...and director Steve McQueen. After 'the blacklist", Lupita not winning, Matthew…
"Bing! Now with more Cumberbatch."
Angela Basset is a Queen. And THIS is why Idris should never not wear a suit.