
I think they had like a million dollars or something like that for costumes??? That's rather insane, but I'd say it paid off, Phryne is always dressed to the nines. I loved the seriousness of the topics that many of the mysteries involved, it was so well done. The way the show handles particularly issues (like

But first the wife must die. Good god, that sounded a lot worse typed out that I intended for it to sound! But seriously, I don't really see Katrina surviving the series, I'm thinking her death will be a catalyst for something major, or she'll end up dying to protect Crane. And then, once he's mourned her long enough,

I really love Sleepy Hollow too, it's surprisingly well done. And I love the relationship between Abbie and Crane, I go back and forth from shipping them as a couple and shipping them as platonic friends. Whatever ends up happening with them, I think I'll be okay with. And Tom Mison rocks a really nice scruffy beard,

Your dad and Nick Offerman are really fuckin' cool! I think if I ever met him, I'd not smile in the pic too. I mean, it's Ron Fucking Swanson, he doesn't need to smile in pics!

Dude- that's so awesome. Speed skating is one of my all time favorite winter sports. Will definitely be watching Lee at the Olympics then, along with my boy JR Celski!

I just watched the show last week for the first time, after hearing about it for months on the aussie blogs, and I personally love my lady detectives with a hint of sluttyness. But let's get real, Phryne Fisher is a well dressed badass lady detective, who happens to sleep with whomever she's attracted too. And perhaps

On one hand I'm all for women enjoying sex and owning the fact that they do. On the other hand, I feel like this website is very misogynistic, and just contributes to the idea of girls being damned if they do have sex and damned if they don't. Feeling conflicted. Yay for empowerment, nay for societal norms which will

Yo, Miley, feminism isn't a competition. No one women exemplifies the "best" kind of feminism. Anyways, the way I look at it, feminism is about supporting each other's choices and the ability to make those choices. Not shaming one another. But I do agree with her on the idea that being a feminist and being sexy can go

On principle I'm against owning any exotic animal but oh my god, do I so want a Zonkey!!! It's the cutest lil thing.

Kate, you slayed me with the bit about Casanova, very witty (and pretty much true)!

Jen had been friends with Andy since before she was famous, which I think makes it more genuine you know? It's not like she got rich and famous and then was seen making friends with people with disabilities as a PR move. Instead she wanted to be friends with him because she liked him, not for publicity, which I like.

It's a beautiful and heartbreaking song (and poem). Wouldn't that be amazing to hear people chant it at protests??? But I think the days of protest songs (from the 60's/70's and earlier) are long gone. And of course a very powerful strike in the American textile industry in 1912!

I think both issues go hand in hand, and to dismiss the wage issue is rather upsetting. To say that working in safe building trumps pay isn't really fair, the garment workers would then still be working in more secure buildings but making the same pay since before what happened in Dhaka. And they seriously need a

I saw Thor yesterday and I'm still fangirling over it. My best friend and I just texted each other to talk about it and we both agreed that Tom really stole the show. If anyone else played Loki I wouldn't like the character half as much as I do. After reading internet comments I also don't understand the hate about

I laughed at this far longer then normal, but in my defense it is a very clever pun. Not sure I'll ever be able to buy Charmin products again with out thinking and giggling about this marketing campaign though.

Okay so I do love Loki but really this is because I love Tom. I love how he plays the character and I think if it was anyone else I wouldn't care for Loki at all. I'm just a major fan of Tom's and therefore just love him in whatever he's acting in.

True, but this is only one episode. I hope they keep it up though! Donna deserves more screen time and not just sassy one liners (no matter how much I love them).

Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one here who wants to talk about Thor, I was actually going to start a thread but you beat me to the punch. ;) I just got back from the theater a little while ago and I must say I really enjoyed this one. I know the film is titled Thor (not Loki!) and that Chris should be getting the

I fucking love Retta, she is brilliant and funny, and I love Parks and Rec. I really want Donna to get more of a storyline though, I think this is the only part where the writers have really dropped the ball, because she may have some of the best lines but do we really know her the same way we know Leslie, Ann, Tom,

Someone needs to give Bieber a reality check- he is an entitled little shit- who clearly doesn't think about how anything he does will affect others. The whole monkey debacle a few months ago was incredibly awful and now he's running around fancying himself some sort of street artist, things keep getting worse. I