
Oh, but JTT will forever hold a special place in my heart, I thought he was the handsomest when I young. And three posters is a lot of commitment! ;) But Tom, well now, he's just that rare individual who deserves all the praise and love.

Oh god... I'm already so sorry for typing this but maybe it should go....

Surely there is some irony to be found here, right? This is totally something that the Capitol might do, right?

Oh this is just brilliant- I've been loving these new additions to the superhero world. Now let's hope they can take these women from the pages of comics and introduce them to the silver screen at some point!

Oh my lord, the last few days on Jezebel have been good to this Tom Hiddleston fan-girl. Can we make it mandatory that Jezebel feature a post a day about this glorious human being?

Oh no- Chris Pine's mom won't like me then! There goes my chances of ever dating him then. :/

Joss Whedon's speech was just brilliant, I can't believe I hadn't seen it before. I've seen some of his responses to reporters but to hear his full comments on the matter was fantastic. I especially loved the bit when he said, "why don't you ask a 100 other guys why they don't write these strong female characters?"

Yeah, to make the story even better about my friend and I, she's actually seen him in person! She saw him on the tube this summer but she didn't dare go up and speak to him, since it was quite crowded and she didn't want to cause a scene. To which I don't blame her, I think he would have handled it gracefully but it

Oh man, I fucking love James Corden too. Him and Tom Hiddleston are two of my favorite Brits. Seriously, whenever I see that Corden is a guest on a talk show I know it's gonna be a good one. I think he brings the best out of his fellow guest and the talk show hosts. And he is so flipping funny which helps too.

Now I'm just picturing the vicar telling the horse that she was not allowed in the church. It's making me giggle.

My crush on Tom Hiddleston grows greater by the day. He is honestly the most delightful famous person, I've honestly never herd anything bad about him. I'd also like to thank Hiddles for bringing people together, I met a girl in one of my classes and somehow we got talking and it turned into us gushing about the

They totally seem like decent fellows, not like too wholesome though, which is good cause it means that they can still act their age. They are of course managed very well, so people don't necessarily see them in their more wild moments, but honestly I think that's for the best. The guys are known for being extremely

Oh. My. God. I hadn't herd of it till now but I think you may have made my night! This just looks amazing, like a lot of the stuff PBS/BBC produces, but the fact that it has a diversity in characters makes it all the better. I am so looking forward to watching this- thanks! And I'm liking the sound of the book that

Ooohh... this sounds like a good show! I just looked it up, it only got one season though, which is already making me a bit sad. Why do they cancel the good television shows??? That's the worst.

Well... I think I may make your night then, they just announced they are filming a two hour Bomb Girls movie to wrap everything up! A few months ago the show got axed but with a lot of campaigning they agreed to film a tv movie so that fans wouldn't wonder what happened to our favorite ammunitions girls. I was gutted

Yeah, that's what I hate, so many of the shows/movies/books about this era are about white men, where are the women, the poc??? I've herd that Foyle's War is a good show though, so I guess I'll give it a go. Oh also, not sure if you've checked it out, but you should watch The Bletchley Circle, if you like 50's

So I've been making my way through television shows about women from the 1940's and 50's over the last months. From Call the Midwife, to Bomb Girls, and Land Girls (which isn't my favorite of the lot), I'm sorta obsessed with they way women lived during the war and afterwards, with the strength that they possessed. I

So I am a bit mortified to say this but I'm 21 and I've never been in a relationship. There was only one time where I came close to being in one but that was four years ago, I'm feeling a bit stupid about the fact I've never had a boyfriend and I'm in my last year and a half of college. My best friend has had a

To be honest, I didn't realize that brother boy bands were 'allowed' to breakup. I thought that this guaranteed they would make pop music forever. Thank god we still have Hanson, eh?

In middle school the guy next to my best friends locker sprayed axe a lot. One time she was bent down getting a book out of the bottom shelf in her locker and he sprayed it all over, not paying attention that she was next to him, and it got in her eye. Poor girl couldn't see for a few hours. So therefore I find axe