
Me too, so glad others help with this! I got up once on a BA flight over the big blue pond not knowing there was a 'fasten seat belt' sign on, desperate for the toilet (IBS ever since my gallbladder got removed), and I got told to sit down so nicely I didn't even realize I was 'told' to do so.

I'm sure you can hear my bitching from TX. :)

I am even more amazed because out of the whole NICU at Children's I was apparently the only child that survived, even a 10-lbs boy that was a bit older. I can't explain it either. My lungs were fully functional which I think was the saving grace, although apparently I coded once and had a whole-blood transfer, but

It's amazing to read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 26-ish weeks gestation, 1 lbs 8 oz., 35 years ago, due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues, thanks to a great NICU and medical care. I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

It's amazing to read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 25 weeks gestation, 35 years ago, due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues, thanks to a great NICU and medical care. I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

That's exactly what I say too, fellow home-stater!

It's amazing to even read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 26-ish weeks gestation 35 years ago due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues (thanks to a great NICU and medical care). I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

I miss my home state but I'm sure pissed with what they're doing to it!

It's amazing to even read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 26-ish weeks gestation 35 years ago due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues (thanks to a great NICU and medical care). I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

It's amazing to even read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 26-ish weeks gestation 35 years ago due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues (thanks to a great NICU and medical care). I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

It's amazing to even read about those tiny babies surviving. I was born at 26-ish weeks gestation 35 years ago due to my mom's heart condition and luckily without any major long-term health issues (thanks to a great NICU and medical care). I know I was tiny I can't imagine how small those babies must be!

Thanks for sharing a real medical opinion with us, regardless of your personal stance. The more you know. :)

yes! I have a small, postierlly tipped cervix anyway, so I have trouble in general with sex, let alone with guys with long penis'. 4-5 is fine for me. All about the other stuff anyway.

I always knew they were, it's sad to have it confirmed. argh! Also sad the cat didn't claw his face off.

That is awesome, I'm waiting with my bucket of popcorn. I also can't wait for the Jez Political blog either, yeehaw!

How about blaming yourself for your choices murderer?!

Sing fellow museum-poorhouse person!

I'm so proud of my favorite blog, nice job everyone!

Autism is also diagnosed much, much, earlier than it used to be, sometimes at 4 months. pLus there are several ranges now, than just the severe type, so it might just seem like there is more of it around.

Thank you! It was nice seeing him play a good guy for once in a long while. :)