One of my favorite period pieces, and one of the few of his stories I like, I can't wait for it either.
One of my favorite period pieces, and one of the few of his stories I like, I can't wait for it either.
I totally know him 'as the hot dwarf'... haha!
I did really well, thanks for making the quiz!
yes! I've got Hiddles, Cumberbatch, and Strong on my rotation right now. :)
Yes! I'm so looking forward to this!!!
I approve!
Gaaah, sooo nice. It's his timbre I swear. Add Richard Armitage, Tom Hiddleston, and Benedict Cumberbatch to that too.
I agree that the period inaccuracy is strong in this but I'll watch in anyway. I also would have killed to see Rickman and Duncan in Les Liaisons Dangereuses when they were in it.
They don't have a broomstick in their doorsill...they need to do that.
Yes and yes. Still not as much of an ass as that Craig Brittian guy though.
Yes and yes. Still not as much of an ass as that Craig Brittian guy though.
Yes and yes. Still not as much of an ass as that Craig Brittian guy though.
I think it would be upsetting. Hmmm....that's cool you can listen to your own odd heartbeat, anad your asshole husband can too. Get thee to a Dr. for the arrhythmia, my friend nearly died a few weeks ago for an un-diagnosed, not formerly known, heart condition. Scary stuff.
Costo is simple but hella painful, that is no fun!
Now I have to check out this website, I'm scared though...
And that's why I worship Brigid...
Oh dear. I'm sorry. Here's to hoping you can see Kingsman soon!
Hugs! I had a spate of panic attacks a few yeasr ago and it's terrifying. FFW a few years and lo and behold I'm diagnosed with OCD/Panic Disorder. Not a surprise but a relief since I thought that's what they were but I wasn't sure.
Were you a premie? Is your chest pain the result of small tears in the fascia, because that can take forever to heal, I injured mine in '02 and it still flares up now and again. Voiding and passing a bm can press on the Vagus nerve (IIRC), have you tried bringing your feet onto the seat or eating more fiber (20 mgs…