
I like this syllogism.

Me too, I don't even really know why I know her at all. What she in Into the Woods? But I like her anyway.

I schooled my GYN in BDSM today and I had fun chatting about it with her. Although to be honest I wondered if she was being honest about not knowing what it was, but I used 50 Shades as what 'not' to do in a SSC relationship.


The allergy of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the jelly and butter on the uncut toast.

Ahh, that's the had part of teaching sometimes. hah!

I'm sorry you had to deal with that jerk, but good for you. His tantrum had to be worth it. :)

My brother did that for a few years before guilt got to him and he finished the degree. Don't have any idea why he lied about it, or stopped going, but he finally graduated. hugs!

That's a great idea! I can never make toom (garlic sauce) quite right and I was very excited to see it at my local grocery store recently. :) I've always rubbed my hands on the stainless steel sink faucets, and washed them well, I'll have to try the lemon trick next time.

Thank you Kristen Bell. Not that we should be relying on Celebs instead of Dr.'s but still, one less anti-vaxer is a good thing.

I have read a few fan fic's that did go there and all I could think of is that any vampire is welcome to dine on me that week. Free food for them, less mess for me, and fun to boot. Win-win.

Go Detroit! (oh, wait a minute!)

Loved it. Hilarious!

Seconded! Thanks for your help to womankind!

You lucky duck!

Good luck! I hope everything goes well!

Yes they are, I'd seen some other photos and that man can wear a pair of pants...drool!

This is a horrible story, and those poor kids! I hope they can all get counseling and her ex dies mysteriously in jail, or never gets out.

Awesome story! e.e. cummings has the best poetry, especially if read by Hiddles, IMHO.

I totally go through phases, a year on, a few years off, a year or two on, etc...I need to make a point to do more this year. Mostly I'll make a good connection with someone and then disappear from the scene feeling really self-conccious about it, or my urges being "wrong" or "bad", which I know isn't really true, and