I wish CNN had woven in the phrase "But this Leith Massage has a happy ending..."
I wish CNN had woven in the phrase "But this Leith Massage has a happy ending..."
I think this is great for the Browns. The fanbase, and the whole city really, should be fired up.
I've always wanted to do this, but am weirdly uncomfortable with having someone put a blade to my face
Damn, Cher was sexy! Also, I wonder how many takes they needed to do the whole song without the horse relieving himself onstage.
This is amazing and I love you forever.
On Sunday, the Seattle Seahawks walked all over the Denver Broncos, 43-8, to win Super Bowl XLVIII. Seahawks…
You would think with all of the dbs ringing through that stadium all night, that one lone DB wouldn't have been remembered as the loudest.