
Fucking white people.

1) Your right to free speech ends where my nose begins. You can say whatever hurtful shit you want and the law protects you from government retribution.

The government did not deprive them of their jobs. This is not a 1st amendment issue.

your right to free speech, contrary to what many many many idiots in this country have somehow NEVER learned, does not mean right to say whatever you want and then be shocked that there are consequences for it that AREN’T just “you can’t say that.”

The right to free speech protects these people against being arrested for expressing their beliefs. It does not protect their jobs and it does not protect them from any consequences other than being arrested.

The companies they work for have freedom of speech too. They chose not to be associated with this asshole.

Could have been worse, it could have been Walmart.

I think they’ve given that job to the new Geography teacher, Mr. Sessions…

Donald Trump thinks a “high risk pool” is when there’s a black person swimming at Mar-A-Lago.

Ah yes, “Nasty Nastase” they used to call him. Glad to see he hasn’t mellowed in his old age.

Why don’t you point out that Icarus also lacks the enlarged sternum necessary for supporting the large breast muscles required for flight, or the hollow bones that shed excessive weight? From his wings failing to him unable to breath in the thin air, to him freezing to death, the closer he gets to the sun results in

“after a foreign policy lecture I had given

This space has been traversed for nearly four months by Jared Kushner, whom I first met about 18 months ago, when he introduced himself after a foreign policy lecture I had given.

Also, men who take these “female-coded” jobs, like nurses or teachers, get paid more than women, so the argument that it’s about the choice of jobs is total fucking bullshit.

Meanwhile, at today’s meeting on feline health care.

I’m sure most of his dates with her start with him blowing her up and patching any leaks she developed after he shoved her between the mattress ans boxspring after their last date.

It’s certain publications not getting it that’s the problem. Remember People Magazine still glorifies the Duggar family and Cosmo only does a good job on certain topics but it depends on who is writing the piece.

Zero logic was applied there. Bigots sure are stupid.