
How’s that shit working out for you Chicago?  Yeah......not so good.

Nature of the game bro...

These 7A pussies could never hold a candle to a 6A or even a 5A team from Texas.  Was totally proven when some Florida fucks decided to come here and got their asses handed to them.

Hell just go to South Oak’ll find out how Dallas really is.

Awwwwww but bet money you weren’t playing outside either....

Inflated humidity numbers there pal.......rarely in the summer does it get over 50%.

Guess what? Change your own fucking country and leave us the fuck alone. We don’t need to pay for ESL classes nor free clinics that hispanics and south americans who strive to multiply as much as possible. Domestic violence shouldn’t be a reason for asylum nor should getting away from gangs.

She’s done.........and guess what......Georgia is overrun with blacks now. Just a fact..........not racist......just a fact.

Fuck that.........what’s next......douchy politicians wearing ballcaps sideways or backwards?

Seriously, why does anyone give a fuck????????

The only people who give a fuck about NASCAR championship shit or NASCAR in general are stupid redneck fucks who don’t realize that this shit can be done by pretty much anyone who knows how to really handle a car.  Left turns in semi-speed shit are nothing.  If you want to be a real driver........look at F1.  Those

Sorry but that’s the bird....definitely directed at the defender. 

Sorry you’re a sad sack of shit but when you get burned.......well suck it up and don’t be a douche which makes you look more like a douche....

And the problem is?????  California has shit waves anyway.  Go to the pipeline and then talk shit.

Guess she’s not as bad ass as she thinks..........

Wait.........why the fuck do we have Latin Grammy’s anyway??

Another who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.......

It’s all about corroboration, if there.......screw these guys...if not...STFU.

Well the bitch is from NY where nothing is fucking cheap.........

WWE and styling.......nothing else needs to be said.