Pelosi is an old bag who should have retired long ago. Her views are as whacked as they come and I’m not even a Repub supporter. Same as O’Connor.
Pelosi is an old bag who should have retired long ago. Her views are as whacked as they come and I’m not even a Repub supporter. Same as O’Connor.
No woman should have to endure this. Any pregnancy of rape or molestation should be able to be terminated. No if’s, and’s or but’s. It’s definitely not her fault and she should have her say and go on instead of being persecuted.
Not dirty, keep your head up and on a swivel. Don’t be a pussy in hockey.
What the fuck do “doctorate degrees in GIS spatial analysis, biostatistics, and epidemiology” have to do with sports?
They aren’t liable. If you play and your dumbass thinks you won’t get your bell rung.......well shouldn’t be playing. You made that fucking choice, deal the fuck with it.
Bitch is a fucking whackjob. End of story.
You liberal fucks think it’s ok to break the law? This just shows your stupidity. I’m not a Trump supporter but my fucking god, you want everyone to break the law and do absolutely nothing about it.
Maybe, just maybe if this cocksucker didn’t have neck and face tattoos like a fucking prison fuck........he’d be taken seriously.........but then again......he’s not.
Because parents don’t parent anymore. This is why kids think it’s ok to settle scores with guns or other things that hurt innocents that have nothing to do with their original beef.
“Mississippi had the most post-Civil War lynchings of any state in the country”
You’re a fucking criminal........why shouldn’t you be shot? All you bleeding heart liberals whine like bitches and hell lets get rid of the police because they offend and actually make people responsible for what the fuck they do.
Where the fuck were his parents then? Just another parental fail which is 90% of the shit that happens today.
Tennessee......need I say more......
Funny how the masses and I mean masses of people in the World Wars saw way more than these guys would ever see in Iraq/Afghanistan but they didn’t go out and commit mass shootings. I’m sure a lot of those people from those wars were mentally unstable afterwards but in today’s society, kids aren’t taught how to deal…
So what the fuck was he supposed to say???
Fuck people with allergies. You are the minority. You should not get special treatment.
Another brainless cunt. Why people even give a shit......well because their brain matter is lacking. Snapchat “Star” only to the hoards of moronic fools who follow anyone on there.
Family should be renamed “BallLess” because that’s what they are. Total fucking joke show.
Well at least some dumb ass team is willing to put up with his mouth....
Good, cause the rest of the Nucks suck ass.