
Funny thing is 99.99 % of what he does is legal.  According to the Ref’s I know who do NHL, AHL and ECHL games.

Mister has been..........

Fuck you pussy, you were clearly beat and you extended to fuck yourself up.....sit down and shut the fuck up loser.

Do the Browns deserve a win..........that’s a big NO

Bitch........grow a fucking pair.  If you’re afraid of getting hit by the shouldn’t be in the sport.  Period!

Funny thing is.......if you watch the shit.......they are totally legal.

showed how the 19-year-old’s fatal workout could have been easily avoided were it not for missteps made by the training staff on-hand that day......

Good Riddance Clark.......another waste of a human meth head.

Sorry, guess you didn’t read that I am a former union member so I know 100% about unions. 

So basically you were a dumb cunt who decided to get completely wasted at a Frat house but the people you describe didn’t participate.

Shouldn’t matter.........these bitches come out of nowhere when the vote is supposed to happen over something that happened 30 years ago. Of course this is politically motivated. If you think it’s not then you are the naive fuck who doesn’t need to be and adult and needs to be in a mental institution.

But hey.........don’t even blame CTE.  These mother fucks knew the risks and played anyway.  The  Why should they be felt sorry for?  They shouldn’t.  If you’re a mental fuck.....your contract should be terminated.

Shut up cocksucker.  You make enough money.  Piece of shit.  No one gives a shit about your dumb ass.  Get back in your car and live your fucking fantasy.

Why??? Because bitches who can’t prove shit decided to speak up right as the confirmation was going to happen? Sure this wasn’t politically motivated. If you believe it wasn’t then you are a fucking moron.

We’ll see when next season comes around.........and he fails.

Wow..........he’s let’s murder him.  Do the the fucking time pussy ass fuck.

Fuck all National Felon League Players.  You don’t deserve shit. And mother fuckers wonder why their ratings have dropped.....

Fuck unions...........they don’t do shit for you but only make goods pricier.  As a former member of UAW.......I truly can attest to this.  If you haven’t been in one........shut the fuck up.

Funny thing is that nothing is truly proven. All it takes for a guy to lose his life now is a bitch who says something happened. No matter if it was a year ago or 30 years ago.

Deborah......well let’s see......she was insanely wasted and can’t remember 2/3 of what happened that night.