
Shut up cocksucker.  You make enough money.  Piece of shit.  No one gives a shit about your dumb ass.  Get back in your car and live your fucking fantasy.

Why??? Because bitches who can’t prove shit decided to speak up right as the confirmation was going to happen? Sure this wasn’t politically motivated. If you believe it wasn’t then you are a fucking moron.

We’ll see when next season comes around.........and he fails.

Wow..........he’s let’s murder him.  Do the the fucking time pussy ass fuck.

Fuck all National Felon League Players.  You don’t deserve shit. And mother fuckers wonder why their ratings have dropped.....

Funny thing is that nothing is truly proven. All it takes for a guy to lose his life now is a bitch who says something happened. No matter if it was a year ago or 30 years ago.

Deborah......well let’s see......she was insanely wasted and can’t remember 2/3 of what happened that night.

Still, all alleged.........not proven.  No matter how many women come forward....unless you have proof.  STFU and don’t ruin a man’s life because all it takes is a woman’s word now to fuck a guy forever.  No proof, just their word. And bitches don’t lie......

Know what.......fuck this dumb ass bitch.  Commit a crime to prove a point??? You’re no better than anyone and look like the fucking cunt you are.  Go away bitch......99% of the people don’t give a shit about you.

Since then, I’ve only had two full-blown migraines, with just three or four days where I’ve had to take any kind of prescription migraine medication......

Wait..........who the fuck is Matt Hardy......oh yeah, the dude known to redneck fucks who actually watch what’s so called “wrestling”.  Just make yourself look stupider than you already are.

Well he’s not too far off......

Once again, any drug violation should be a lifetime ban.  Fuck this pussy piece of shit.

God Hillary is so hot!!!  Always has been, always will be.

Again, you had over 30 years to say something.......whether it’s true or not shouldn’t make a fucking difference now.

Sorry but all these so called “Black Female” artists are shit.  Their music sucks if you can call it music. No different than 99% of the RAP out there.

Let me tell you about hazing....I was in the military and you know have the CHOICE to participate or not. If you CHOOSE to then shut the fuck up about what happens to you.

Should have been a lifetime ban.......pussy couldn’t beat a fly without the drugs.

Domi..........enough said.

How many times do I need to say that Daniels needs to STFU because bitch you get paid to fuck. And you got paid to fuck.