
Hey, Illegal parents........stop subjecting your kids to your stupidity!!

Yeah because you don’t wait that fucking long to speak the fuck up. Such a double standard where all a bitch has to do is say oh he sexually harassed me and your career is down the fucking toilet no matter if you did it or not.

That would be bicep, not plural.  Some people don’t check their work.

Yeah yeah......keep dreaming. Scientist.....right. Guess you dismiss Sulfur Dioxide from Volcano’s as well.

Fuck you know how many high schools still use indian mascots?  Yeah, it’s an honor not a slam.  Once people realize that......oh wait.......they won’t because they’re anal fucks.....

Hell yeah Coach!!! Teach those entitled mother fuckers who’s the boss!!!

Overhyped fuck.  Not what you’re worth.  You ain’t what you think you are.......Not going to win a bowl....Guaranteed.

Here’s the thing............

WTF is a baller?  Some pussy ass fuck who can’t handle a true sport?

Sorry but the Chinese are some fucked up mother fuckers..........proven time after time.

Go ahead and be a sheep.  If you actually watch a landfill, they burn off methane at an enormous rate.  But then don’t research shit like normal people do.

I guess people don’t realize that landfills release a ton of methane as well.....

Guess you’re one of those types of parents I spoke of. Things went downhill when punishment was taken out of school. Another fact.

It ain’t Trump supporters who think this is a mock of American values. These piss ants who think they are making a difference are sorely mistaken.

Ya know...........Shut the fuck up Serena.  You aren’t entitled and you do not deserve special treatment.  Get the fuck over yourself.

Safe all the way........

Sounds like a typical cunt for whining like a bitch.

Of course they do, but that’s where parents come into play.  Oh wait.......parents are pieces of shit now who say corporal punishment isn’t the answer and coddle their kids......just facts.

Sorry, shoulder contact.  Stop being players are the biggest pussies ever.

Another reason not to be a criminal......