
Such bullshit. He didn’t leave his feet until after contact and led with the shoulder. Fucking Cryquins

But he played those games under the so called racist logo..Hypocrite...

Once again, they fail to recognize the White House was built by slaves.....don’t see them wanting it torn down.....

When did speedskating become a profession? Or is he just whining because he didn’t get any cool endorsement deals?

“The 24-year-old driver and builder” This says alot.......

An example needs to be made of this waste of brain matter. Even then he won’t change, you can’t change that kind of stupidity.

More whining from the crybaby team. Clean hit, suck it up pussies.

Novel idea........if naive and idiotic people would stop taking these pictures this wouldn’t be a problem.

Does anyone really need to spend time and money for this? Yes people were killed by radiation poisoning. That’s all you need to know.

Once again, act like a douche...Get arrested like a douche should.

One thing everyone needs to keep in mind. Players CHOOSE to play knowing the risks.

And they need to keep doing what they’re doing. Why reward criminals?

Any smart govt or person would look at Louisiana and not build there. Granted, the salt dome is their business but to build a major city like New Orleans there......bad bad idea.

“Race- and sex-based stereotypes result in unequal enforcement of rules”

Take a walk, if games are more important than getting laid.....yeah you don’t need that loser. A game is just a fucking game, a wife is something you need to pay attention to.

You can check out but you can never leave......

Lost the septum piercing, only makes me want to drag people around like cows.

No problem with this. It was part of the investigation.

Sorry “brah” but it’s called making a choice and a stupid one. Responsibility lies on the choice maker.