
Racist or biased, the employee has the right to do what they did. It’s called Loitering.

Oh please, get the fuck over it. What a waste of an article.

Fuck apologizing.

butt-ended Kopitar in the face......

Hmmm weed doing something alcohol does......interesting.

Maybe his city should have thought about that when they built the damn street. Fail on LA’s part for shitty development......

Yeah but also dumb girls send nudies.......

“The problem is that their jobs don’t pay enough,” she said. “People who are on public assistance and don’t work are not choosing between a six-figure salary or staying at home. Taking a low-paying job gets no one closer to economic stability.”

It’s called a parenting fail. Sadly this is the way most of this generation and last grew up being failed.

Stereotypes exist for a reason, it’s because they are true in a lot of aspects. There would be no stereotypes if people didn’t give the reasons for having them....just food for thought.

No, the concept you don’t get is that you as a driver are responsible for where you go and what you do. If you decide to trust an app to get you where you are going then it is absolutely 100% your fault if you get into trouble. Oh’re the I don’t know what a map is guy. Moving on....

Ever heard of a map? Oh wait......probably not.

Paige is hot!

Jeffrey Goldberg is a pussy....

McGregor is a fucking pussy titty baby. Go back and drink some milk you child. He also needs his balls kicked to show him he’s not as bad ass as he thinks he is.

Looks like another total failure by the Puerto Rican government.

Just leave it to the Indian Casinos...........

All a bunch of whiny babies really. Grow the fuck up. It’s a business.

Hazing is also a two way street.....

Yeah but in that split second are you exactly sure it’s a pipe? No you are not. Your comment is shit. And he’s right, media only tells you half the story.....the part they WANT you to hear.