
So here’s another parental failure..... “visited him in Gstaad, with her parents’ permission” Why would any parent let this happen? Sure, go off and spend the weekend with an old guy by yourself. See how utterly stupid that sounds... 

Kimmel is another blowhard. You’re not going to stop it. Regulation doesn’t work. I can’t blow out my political views at work and neither should he be able to.

It’s called accepting the risk. If you can’t understand that then you don’t need to be going to games to begin with. At this rate, there will be nets in the outfield to protect whiners from HR’s. Granted sucks that it was a kid but her dad accepted that risk.....

Sure, let’s not charge them and tell them it’s fine and dandy to fuck up. Your attitude is one of the major problems in society now. Non-Responsibility, Entitlement, No consequences for actions. You are a waste of human brain matter.

Neither are horrors of a bad Child Protection System. Both of them fucked up and paid for the choices THEY made.

Unfortunately someone would get offended and the statue would be removed....

I still wonder why it took her 15 years to figure out she was abused. I mean seriously, is she that naive?

The “Rapist” tag will follow you forever. You don’t get to move on....

How about teaching your kids not to be idiots in the first place. Oh but wait, that’s to hard for parents to do now. Our dressers weren’t strapped down when I was a kid and never climbed on it.

Homework nowadays is so lame and way easier than in the past. Kids have it so easy which is why they are so lacking intelligence and basic knowledge now.

Very tragic. So sorry for the families of those people. The officer risked his own life and served the justice that was deserved.

Those idiotic French aren’t making big oil nervous, they’re just going to import the shit.......Fossil fuels aren’t going anywhere.

Osteen is a moron and Perry rides that horse right along with him. Religion is a farce anyway...

It’s more about having good decent physicals and medical evaluations prior to playing. Most sports physicals are a joke which is why you see this often.

Who the fuck is this and why the fuck do we care? Some roid filled numbnuts who died. Meh move on.

And usually it’s true......

Warped liberalism. Society is so dense that it can’t wrap it’s head around the fact that it wasn’t about slavery. Remember.......slaves built the White House...

Hopefully the qualified candidate you refer to isn’t Hillary......she’s just as much of a moron as Trump is.....

Just drop one of those Tridents from the Kentucky and be done with them....

Once again we can’t have nice things because the lame ass FCC won’t set it where content producers can’t be content providers.