
Ummm no, you fucking pay for your actions. This was unsportsmanlike and deserve to get plunked out for their moronic action. Kids today have no respect for anything and I’m glad someone finally stood up and made someone pay for it.

Exactly the point..

Desperation? How bout plain ole lack of brain capacity? These people are just plain stupid. I don’t care what kind of shit you put up with and why you’re trying to get here but if you’re that dumb, you don’t belong here anyway.

Didn’t say that but in the big scheme of things earth itself does more than we’ll ever do.

It’s how the earth has worked for billions of years. Why people discount the history of the earth is beyond me...

Just another day in the National Felon League......

Shit’s probably all true. Wouldn’t be surprised in the least.

Pure stupidity......and these are the kinds of people raising kids nowadays.....SMH

This is scary shit. It’s bad enough with these things on the highways as it is. City streets aren’t designed for these things and I can’t see this working out so well.

Does this apply to women and tit pics too?????

More like his parents need help...

Why even give this traitor a platform?

You should wait behind the fucking line.

Heard rumors of the men boycotting as well. Would be nice to see them stand with the women if it comes to that.

Spoken like a true hockey fan......

Dallas could definitely used Bishop.....the tending is super inconsistent.

One of the other stupid things Obama has done. Vets will never forgive as we know what the stakes are going in. All this does is a slap in the face of us who kept our oath.

What is this treason you speak of????

The fact is, what he did was illegal. Nothing else to say about it because that IS a fact.

Doesn’t matter if it was TS Material or not. There are certain things you just don’t do and what he/she did is one of those things.