
Well if the players weren’t making stupid choices.....they would be getting paid. Responsibility and blame lay on the players...

Geez, just shut the fuck up already. You got busted now deal with it.

Sad, just fucking sad.

He’s prime NFL material, he fits the douche criminal part to a T

“And a massive melt-out is exactly what seems to have happened about a million years ago, according to a groundbreaking analysis of a unique geologic sample from Greenland’s rocky underbelly.”

No Roku support, no dice..

Another I don’t want it in my backyard set of people. Look to surburbanite america for the same values. Shit has to go somewhere or the bitching about what it provides will rise. Electrical substations, battery plants that have been there long before population, airports, rail lines. You name it.

Nick is a douche.....end of comments.

“Authorities added that the baby was not properly restrained at the time of the crash, but that no ticket was issued. “ Yeah and what if the baby died? Charges filed then and should have been in this case. Fucking stupid parents.

Like your source, as opposed to all the armchair douche responses.

Don’t be a douche and you don’t get your phone busted. Your puny little ass shouldn’t be heckling hockey players who would turn you inside out anyway. Stupid fans.....

What would that do? Absolutely nothing. You’re warped if you think it makes any difference. History just doesn’t go away and should not be apologized for.

Thing is, doesn’t matter if it is a prison, electrical substation or pipeline. Some assholes don’t want it through their backyard. Price of progress, that’s all.

Hard to do when no one who had anywhere first hand knowledge of it is around anymore. Who’s supposed to apologize?

What about all the out of state protesters in Ferguson? They got’s called looting.

It’s called a babysitter, they’ve been used for years....oh but parents now are too cheap or stupid to utilize this great thing.

What you don’t think adults want flavored juices?

It’s funny that people come out of the woodwork a month before election to throw out allegations. Hell where were they when he was becoming the nominee?

Question is....who’s the unnamed Plaintiff?

Don’t care if he does or not, but glad the “Criminals” do.