
Yep, dumb as a box of rocks and lies through what teeth she has left.

In the military especially, in corporate at least there’s a chance of debate.

They don’t have Johnny yet so they’re not total fuckups.

The NFL grooms em young to be criminal fucktards. He sure has a lot of class. Momma and baby daddy would be proud.

What a pussy, you’re doing nothing to help the cause. Only looking like a fool douche which you were to begin with anyway you spoiled piece of shit.

Maybe she should denounce her own criminal ass.....oh wait she still believes what she did wasn’t wrong. Sadly people buy that shit. This election is fucked. Either way we’re screwed royally.

Guess you shouldn’t be a fucking rookie holdout......arrogant ass hasn’t proven his worth yet. Probably another Tebow loser.

More testosterone usually = larger clits.

millennial..def. Entitled fucktard.

Classless bitches. Shouldn’t even be in business if you can’t treat a customer as a customer and keep your fucking opinions out of your business. Cunts.

Thought it was 60-40 but 70-30 not bad either. Fat makes meat taste good!

What crime?

It’s a courtesy but one that shows you’re patriotic. Not doing it just shows you’re an ass.

And she’s still a disgrace. You put your hand on your heart just like the military has to salute. Fucking kids, some are raised good, some are raised like shit. Don’t matter if she won gold or not. You did notice she sat out a lot of it too........

Fucking cunt, She’s a disgrace!

Stream, Stream Stream Stream......Whenever I want something all I have to do is Stream.

“Fuck it, let’s dance, I got some rhythm.” Yeah no wonder the bitch is dead. Of course let’s not forget she had warrants to begin with and was hanging with nappy fucks either. Great way to raise a kid.....oh wait she won’t be doing that anymore. Maybe the kid has a chance now.

One word......Pathetic.

“As usual, the cutting and shaking is so oppressive that you can’t tell what’s going on, but it worked in the first films” Which is why it works here. Fuck critics, they are clueless about most good movies anyway.

She’s hot!