
girls are just as much ho’s as guys are gig’s. not surprised by this at all.

Because they have peaked if you want to call it that. Pussy mother fuckers. You don’t know what real hurt is.

I work with Alden, more sanitary than Blue Bell.........

She needs a psych ward stat.


Yeah but we should feel sorry for the bitch? Fucking criminal piece of shit.

How about a Dear Black People.....oh but that would be racist. Hypocritical fucks.

Yeah took them long enough to find the Chipotle source. Everyone admits the FDA is understaffed so real inspections don’t happen as often as you think. That’s not putting the consumer first.

They’re calling it tobacco products. It’s not a plant. Secondly, the FDA has done shit to protect the consumer. Listeria abound, Chipotle, Blue Bell and so on. Until they get their shit together, screw them.

Roids and Small Penis’.....the mantra of body builders.

Is Caitlyn a bottom?

Yeah cause she’s alienated every sane man in this country. Any man who would vote for this criminal, no balled piece of shit has no balls like her and is one insane mother fucker.

Still don’t see the problem. If you want to go into a women’s restroom......become a damn woman and get your shit chopped off. Until then, you have a penis which means you are technically still a man. This is pretty black and white.

Until Demi gets boobs and an ass like Nicki......sit down and stfu little girl.

Yeah, unless you plug your modem into it instead of the router.....

Currently it’s the out there greenies who buy these things. They are disposable cars people! It’s a battery, it will go bad and no one wants to pay half the price of the value of their car to replace it hence the disposable car analogy.

With no expected. Carry on.

Fuck the Penguins, bunch of chump ass motherfuckers. No talent fucks.

Sirloin isn’t more flavorful, it’s just a piece of brick meat that will take you forever to chew and certainly isn’t as juicy nor tastes the same. Every Sirloin I’ve seen has no fat and without it, you get crap.

It’s not more efficient, it just makes you a douche. Find your way in, don’t rely on me to let you in.