
Easy, don’t be a drug doing criminal douche.

They’re just hopping on the black bandwagon.

Why? Because he is the responsible party? He’s not. I understand why your name has ghost in it.....because your opinion doesn’t matter.

Short film.....Was a talent, got into drugs, wasted life and never was a talent again. She’s a weak woman just like her daughter regardless of Bobby’s involvement or not. Just goes to show you that people with too much money make stupid choices.

Moral of story.....don’t get your ass 4 times the legal limit drunk. Especially as a minor......but then again, probably not the smartest girl in the world either. Not to discount that he should have just dropped the dumb bitch off to begin with.

Why OH Why! Those tits were...well still awesome!

Hello, shut up bitch. Your waste of a human daughter got and did exactly what was coming to her. Guess people tend to forget about the warrant out before she was stopped but that doesn’t matter to this liberal society where criminals get special treatment.

They’re smoking and they’re hot.....yummy!

Bullshit......get deported and go crawl under your Sudanese rock.

Unless it’s something the person enjoys....just like any other job.

Well when you consider all the stupid requests including the one you wonder it’ll take till 2019.

Spot on, +1

Actually a logical man you ain’t......

It’s that the parents of the last couple of generations have not taught their kids to cope with life’s up’s/down’s/stress.


Wow not surprising, this is how minorities are raised now. Parents don’t teach girls/boys that high school and the stupid bitches/manboys are worth nothing. They aren’t taught how to handle these peer situations and this is what happens.

This would be a huge mistake. I’d completely trash and never watch it again. Michelle is a turd, just like her husband. No talent, everyone just wants to kiss her ass. And she dresses funny.

OMG I have to stop watching NCIS. Man what money and let’s look cool by putting her on the show stature means. Fucking producers.

Duh......because they are......Girls are a dime a dozen. They’re not special and there’s always someone waiting in the wings.

And you can’t call it vaping when you’re burning a botanical. Vaporizing juice is vaporizing.