
No surprise by the California entries.....hypocrites when they whine about car emissions and then pull this shit off.



It ain’t ever a joke but most fucksticks here think it is because they have no common sense.

Get your fucking dumb ass out the car and swim you lazy ass bastard who’s a dumabss for being there in the first place.

Yep which is why this is a non story. Trans people just make it worse by keeping up with the trans identity. Of course you have to wonder why the fuck were they in prison to begin with. Sorry but have no sympathy for fuck ups who are in prison. Not something you don’t know is going to happen if you get busted. Common

Wendy is still the moron she has been and will always be. Why anyone would do a story on this waste of a political career woman is beyond me. She’s just like Hillary......well without the criminal element.

It’s the new Christiano! If this kid’s hands were as good as his feet...he’d make Ovechkin look like a douche.

Moral of story.......don’t grow fucking weed.

Broad City..........?????? Is this something???? If you need weed to be creative then you aren’t creative. Stupid bitches.

Question is.......who fucking cares besides dumb ass women who aren’t comfortable with their own bodies.

It depends on where you are in the country. All local is readily available in certain parts. Nothing wrong with eating local either compared to the imported crap we get.

Pretty much every celeb is a liberal demo whore. Fuck them all.

Welfare fraud is one of the most rampant things in this country. Fuck yeah they should have to piss in cups. Bitches driving their Escalades, Hummers and Mercedes to the free clinic for their kids.

Should have put in the part of well he already was one.

Sorry but if you throw those DD bits out there, yes men will look and drool. You are adding to it by showing those bits off.

This dude would make him look like a total fool.

Big time sellout, fucking celebs shouldn’t be endorsing anyone. Time to ban all of Shondaloser’s shows. Kerry is hot but if she supports this cuntbag of a criminal, she’s not worth her beauty.

Why, why, why???? Dude was a douche and his music if you can call it that...completely sucked ass.

no surprise, the NFL is ripe with douchebags. Nothing new which is why I don’t support nor watch football anymore.

So you’re a denier when you know that mankind’s role in all this is just a blip on the radar?