
It’s one of the reasons I don’t have sympathy for any American who voluntarily goes over to the middle east. Just because you’re a reporter, red cross or peace corps...these people don’t give a flying fuck and will do whatever they can because they hate America. If no one gave them coverage.....they wouldn’t be able

All valid questions considering most NFL players are idiotic fools.

He’d be a whole sight better than the clavicle ridden Romo....

Just because I’m older doesn’t diminish the fact that what I say is true.........Things are getting worse in N. Dallas as well.

They mostly mortgage and put liens on stuff or use government subsidies to help pay for it.

I know Dallas quite well, have lived in the area for over 50 years. Across the Hunt bridge it’s getting better but go beyond over near Loop 12 and that’s a different story. Also the general apartment area around 635 and Skillman isn’t great, White Rock/Lakewood area is ok. But no debating the Cliff or Redbird.

Do you know how much implements cost? A decent combine cost well over $300k which makes farmers mortgage out land and houses to pay for these things. That’s a serious burden.

Need to throw development in there.

It looks like the cat wants no part of that pic, should we call in Peta?

True but not by vote..

While Caraway is less the ass that Price is, Dallas politics is as screwed up as it ever was.

You should pull the corn cob out of your ass...

It’s scary you would vote for him and even scarier you live there.

You are dead on in your assessment of Dallas politics.

Nothing new for Price or Caraway. Both of them are the lowest of low politicians. Price has a history of confrontation and has been the subject of FBI investigations for Corruption and Fraud. On his salary, no way he could afford what he has and why would you keep mounds of cash in your house.....hint hint...

I worked on the A-7 back in the day. I fabricated the front piece of the wing which sealed the wing when it was lowered into place.

It does when it was still found in a man’s semen two months later.......little research ya know.

Why because the illegal and welfare hoarding fucks can’t be bothered to produce physical ID?

Who the fuck cares if Idris did that. He’s a fucking bad ass.

You could say.....”The Real Hockey Parents of the USA”......