
Sounds like the ice manager didn’t do his job to begin with. Thin ice isn’t a good thing. Maybe he should go back to Zam school 101.

I thought interesting video to watch then was like....I can’ stop watching, she’s too sexy :)

But it does produce sulfur dioxide which is a worse thing than CO2...

Boobs are boobs.....doesn’t matter if they are perky, saggy, big or small...I love em all.

What reliable/decent captain doesn’t check the weather on their route beforehand? Another reason cruise lines have so many problems.

Why would you want to anyway? Grease/Fat is what makes meat taste good. Removing it is just a waste.

I’m sorry but fuck all this Concussion and CTE shit. Players know what the fuck they’re getting into. It’s like know that head trauma causes problems. Unless football players are that fucking stupid......wellllll maybe they are.

Man she’s so amazingly sexy. Comrie......a perpetual douche and mediocre player didn’t deserve her.

the fact that the bitch needs it is all you need to know......

Douchebag shouldn’t even be allowed to watch TV.

Dunno, still think it’s cool though.

That headline pic is just sexy.

No kidding!

Wow, what a clueless idiot who can’t read. I said that cost has to be factored in as well including support and maintenance.

but the percentage of those you’ll find is not even 1% against the other side where they don’t get shot, maimed, etc. Minority not majority. Which says inherently, if you’re not a don’t get screwed by the cops.

That percentage doesn’t equal 1%.

Sorry you can’t understand facts.

The winners are the cars and truck that sustain maybe minimal damage out of it.

Michael Moore is one of the biggest tools to ever walk the face of this planet. That is all.

Most misconduct really isn’t. It’s giving in to the whiners who in actuality were fucking up to begin with in most cases. Cops don’t shoot cooperative, law abiding people. Just remember that.