
Sorry, producer is right......

But then again having blacks and their little things are doing basically the same thing. BET ring a bell? Black awards shows...list goes on and you call this bigoted?

Johnny is a douchebag with no NFL talent....that is all.

No debate about fuckability...definitely are.

Was it a double for cross checking because if so, those are lame ass cross checks......

Obviously you don’t know much about brewing.

You just show your age with your comment. You haven’t yet reached the point where taste overrules buzzes.

The guy in Texas would only have hoards of people joining in behind him....

Fap material

Rahr Bourbon Barrel Winter Warmer

Doesn’t matter, it’s still Bud Light.

Kids should never be allowed to play sanctioned sports again. And should serve jail time.

Personally the Outlook app is crap. Bloated and wants to merge all your contacts by default. If you’re an Office 365 user, you are better off going with the OWA app.

If they would keep their legs closed......

It most definitely is sexy! Then comes the fountain of youth afterwards!

Funny thing about your headline though......they CAN’T save it.

So get rid of grass? But it’s ok to have golf courses, baseball and football fields? What’s the difference? They all have to be maintained. Grass, just like trees are a plant and do what plants do. This only works where your water supply is shit ie Nevada. Trying to grow in a dry climate is dumb.

This is pretty easy....Stop growing fucking corn and start growing crops that are truly needed.

There is no difference because they’re all stupid if they support either...Hillary a douche criminal basically and Carly can’t run a business.

I use both but Kodi hands down makes Plex look bad. Way more addons for Kodi which allow for streaming sports.