
Idris is the Man...period. Total bad ass.

Fake as shit......women do themselves a disservice by getting jobs.

I’d boink Rebel in a heartbeat. Serious hot and better attitude than most of those fake ass bitches.

I’d spank Katy and she could spank me anytime.

Good she was and good someone turned her in. Not any common sense with people anymore.

Maybe they should have washed their family had no issues with it.

Sad rebuttal.

Of course there’d be a shit ass movie about something that should be not even a news story. You decided to play therefore you should accept the consequences. No one forced you and if you’re that stupid then you deserve it.

Gruden’s a douche, that is all.

Police are guys too......end of story. No issue here.

Drunk Rednecks......

Tell that to my grand parents, great and great-great grand parents who all lived into the mid 90’s and above....stfu with your sheepish so called knowledge.

It’s not just the grass fed aspect. It’s the cream.

Doesn’t mean every invention is great and needed in certain circumstances. People got along fine without it prior to.

I disagree, it is the younger ones who choose not to be involved in their kids activities. This is plainly evident by every news story on girls running away, getting taken, etc. Their parents show up on TV and can’t understand how this happened but yet these are the parents who expect the school system to raise their

My wife works for pulmonary doctors and any type of snoring can be related to sleep apnea. Your best bet is to get a sleep study done just to know if it is a problem or not. If not then great!

Because in your flawed rebuttal, you forget to realize the chances of a tornado hitting a particular area are remote plus the fact that they don’t affect near as much area as a hurricane does.

After spending billions to fix shit. Why? Find a better area. It’s like building a house on top of a fault line. Common sense tells you NO.

Truckers need to be massively fined for these types of things. As a trucker, you should know exactly how high your load is and plan your route accordingly. This happens far too often all over the country.

All of this could have easily been avoided by not building a major city below sea level on the coast. Common sense tells you that’s a fucked up thing to do.