
This, General Turd is what a law abiding, common sense using person would say and do. Obviously your attempt to chastise me failed.

If the government would have staved off money from the trucking companies, rail would still be a huge part of the infrastructure still. It’s really sad to see all the dilapidated rail lines that cross this country.

The problem is that most of these guys are criminals already or were breaking the law to begin with which started the situation to begin with. Personally they got what was coming to them by the dumbass choices they made.

Thing is, we won’t have to worry about it because she’s not going to win anyway...

Yep, annoying as hell and unfollow fast. Just as bad as bringing those hell spawns into a damn movie theater!

It’s a stupid logo just like the stupid woman who’s using it. No one cares Hillary!

Looks like he planned on turning so I wouldn't go there that he suddenly stopped. The person behind was obviously following too close.

Maybe the stupid woman should have called 911 for an ambulance when it happened. Stupid choice got her where she is.

You actually have to get it correct, no politician wants what their constituents want.

You're mistaken, cops and all politicians...

No but we have to worry about a sad spineless fool who couldn’t dump her husband to ride his coat to where she is now.

She isn’t smart, she’s a blabbering fool. Also, you know it was not her idea to hire him anyway. That’s what smart staffers are for, not the candidate themselves because they are all idiots.

That’s why it’s been all over the news how much of a dumbass she really is....

Maybe he’ll show her how to do IT security right. Not that it’ll make much difference. She’s doomed already.

Well one thing is for sure in the big picture. Man’s role in all this is so minute that it really doesn’t make that much difference. What DOES make the difference you ask? It is earth herself. Always a changing entity, has done these things throughout time without our interference. To think that this planet’s sole

Novel idea someone had!!

I still think the nut shot of all time was Belfour doing it to Yzerman when he backed into Eddie and threw and elbow. Two handed stick lift into the balls and he went down like a sack of potatoes. Then Eddie stands over him and talks shit.

And he won’t pass a drug test and nothing will happen. Non-Story, just another day in the NFL.

The far more common breakage is the male/male adapter that fits into the 90 degree PVC connector. The adapter is made of softer plastic and snaps easily. This can become a real pain in the ass as it leaves threads in the PVC connector which you have to remove. Sometimes you can with pliers but a lot of times you'll

Not a week goes by around here that some construction company employing mostly illegal mexican workers pops a gas line. No one calls anymore to have things marked before they dig. There should be insanely stiff fines for this type of crap.