
Infographic doesn't mean shit. It's a commercially owned private network and by intercepting any transmission across it breaches the 4th amendment. Just a fact.

Disagree, this is no different than a wired phone network. Just because it uses RF as its method of transmission doesn't mean anything. If you made a call from point A to point B on a wired network, you would have an expectation of privacy. Same thing with cellular, you're making a call from point A to point B and

And the baseband can be changed.

This is not an isolated thing. JW's will do everything in their power to protect their own no matter what they have done.

You are very naive if you don't believe "the idea that carrying guns makes your surroundings safer". It does because it can provide a reaction to an action which may save the life of a loved one or fellow human in the surrounding area. Take a bank for instance...I'm in the bank and you come in and rob it. If you

And lighting systems still fail........tis why the horn exists.

Guess you haven't seen the dumbasses with their headphones walking along the tracks....they died. Horns are there for a reason. If the lights/crossguards fail, that's your only source of notification. So to say it doesn't make sense to have them is pretty damn stupid on your part.

Teens are just douchebags. They got so many "participation" trophies growing up that they can't handle defeat now. Kudos to the mom who egged him into exposing just how much his parents coddled him as a child and how they are responsible for the waste of life that he is.

This one is easy, find a girl who likes sports and converse about said sport.

Bet the mormons love that one!

Well I should have specified Southern Baptists. I know of a beer named the "Big Bad Baptist" funny...

Nothing scares them, not even the sin of heading straight to the beer store right after Sunday service and ending up drunk an hour later...

Fucking douches shouldn't even have access to the internet anyway much less phone or television.

Man screw this crap. Go into a rail port. Tired of all these trucks with their crazy ass drivers running around on streets that weren't built for them in the first place.

But again I stand by my assessment that a pancake compressor cannot maintain it which is true. If you need aux tanks on it you might as well buy a better and bigger compressor.

NO, a pancake can't maintain 90 PSI because the drop in PSI from use of a tool keeps it from being able to regain that psi.

These are for reception of certain signals. There are sites like these all over the world. Southern California, Hawaii...

Navy Crypto nerds LOL

I'd like to see a scaled version then for a 30 gal compressor.