
Would it be so hard to cover things for other launchers such as Buzz? Themer isn't the only total replacement launcher out there.

Doesn't have to be if you use small nukes, LOL

Bout time! This girl is smoking hot!

Douchebags, all in the name of progress and bending to the whims of the hoards of whiners in this country now. Man has screwed up their natural habitat, certainly not the Wolves fault but instead of helping them, you want to put them in a cage for the rest of their days. How about you live in a fucking cage you

That girl is gorgeous..

Great story! I've always loved trains and would love to hobo it on the west coast bound trains. There is great views where the trains run along rivers in Colorado right down almost on the banks while the interstate is way up above.

It's all good until Yellowstone blows...then we're all screwed.

While this is something you may do, it is much harder to setup and get right than you think. A table saw with dado blades is the way to go.

This still goes against copyright where the photographer holds the copyright to the work. They should be able to do what they want if the person photographed knew the photos were taken which in most cases they do, especially nudes of girlfriends who actually get a kick out of taking them.

Gina Torres is just HOT!

That's because she knows she won't win. Yeah I really want a woman with no balls as president. In your dreams...

Screw the NFL players, fucking criminal filled league and they make enough money. Then some ridiculous suit about concussion issues. Hey dumbasses, are you that dense that you didn't think getting hit over and over would mess your body up? Hell they knew about that shit back from boxing years before. You don't

Too bad there's not a pic of our sub launching a Tomahawk..damn cool pics though!

"420 friendly classy bbw" there is no such thing...

Bout damn time, instead of going out on top he chose to continue his slide knowing he didn't have it anymore.

For fucks sake, just make it legal already. Damn prudish religious fucks.

Because you made a moronic statement. Glad you are the maturity police...Don't cast the first stone if you can't handle the boulders that come back.

Ummmm moron, it would be helpful to know what they were seeing to gauge their reactions to what they were seeing.

Yes but not near enough. There are line after line of tracks here deteriorating into the abysss. Don't get me wrong, I love that it's picked up speed.

The sad part is how little rail is used in comparison to trucking now. But that's the Govt. now, lets put tons of trucks on the roads and pollute more instead of using an already built infrastructure.