
Nope, and shouldn't.

Exactly, they've dumbed down our kids here.

Simpletons use the metric system, they made it nice and pretty so any moron could learn it. Fractions on the other hand.....well those require a little brain power, LOL.

Until you squash the drug companies and keep them from advertising..nothing will get cheaper. Screw the drug companies, that's why people go elsewhere.

Personally.......I'm not worrying about what's going to happen 5 or more generations down the line from me. What's the point, anything mankind does makes little difference in the big scheme of things anyway.

Not running out anytime soon and point is, why would you give a shit anyway? You won't be here.......

Obviously not a useless detail then...

Supply isn't limited. Earth regenerates is over time.

They found a stash of SeaFoam....

Screw that, just make sure people turn their damn heads. Don't trust mirrors or blind spot indicators. It's a function people rarely perform now.

Add this to the count from Naval/Coast Guard ships and Submarines around the world..

They're there to enforce the law you should be abiding and when you start acting a thug fool, you get what you deserve. Common sense left the general public long ago..

Well instead of acting retarded fools, use some common sense and guess don't die.

Good for her that someone is wanting to fuck that nasty shit.

Stand up dude. Congrats to him.

Holder........such the fool. You will never end profiling. Why you ask? Because it works.

Criminal...yes he was. 12yr old enough not to reach for "fake gun" in waistband. Smarter choices = staying alive. Not about race or whatever, just common sense.

More of a dick move to cut those people out of business. You're 'moral/socially acceptable' rhetoric just comes off as foolish. How about shoving the Goodyear Blimp up your'll get some free advertising and you might enjoy it.

What sucks worse is the time he had to make that shot and no one else near him.

And by the sounds of it has performed multiple sex acts on her own prior to even making the statement. Parents need to seriously do a better job than raising the degenerates we have on both sides nowadays.