
It did until the government gave in to the trucking industry lobby. So many abandoned tracks now it's pathetic

This is one of the fun things about being a submariner, had the opportunity to do this in the sub I was stationed on and man talk about awesome! The noise alone of the cracking ice is priceless!!

But then again it depends on where you're camping if you're going to find enough rocks in that kind of formation to do this....Most likely you're not going to. Carrying a brush much easier option.

Not going to make much difference, as long as microphones in phones are small and shitty..this ain't getting any better any time soon.

You're just basing your view on what you've been told. There's a lot of things the Raptor has done that you and most of the world don't know about.......same with most every major aircraft.

Well when you suck......that's kinda what happens. Hell the whole defense should feel the same.

Well if you're that anal, maybe you should stay inside. No one probably wants to see your ass anyway.

Lots of idiot women in that photo....surprised Wendy Davis isn't in it.

But you're still not going to see a dumbass with facial tattoos as the CEO of Exxon/Mobile...

Hope Solo is a female douche, end of story.

Soldering copper is easy, it's all about temp...

Well you can certainly correlate the rise in violent things by kids to the removal of corporal punishment in schools. I grew up with my grandmother getting switches off the tree when I fucked up and guess what??? I didn't fuck up like that again. It teaches you a lesson. All this time out bullshit and non

Wow, guess you're here to appease everyone else but yourself. I'm not here to do that, I wasn't put on this earth to appease others. I live my life the way I want which makes me happy. You must live a really pathetic life. Live, have fun. Hell you may get hit by a train or have a car wreck at any time. Stop

I live life as I see fit, if it shortens it.....oh well, I did what I wanted and was happy.

But why would I want to?

Fuck Etsy...

That's why I head straight for the craps tables......

I have one of these, definitely worth the price.

Just another bunch of douchebags who follow the National Fuckhead League.

Maybe he doesn't want to join the band of thug criminals known as the NFL because he's better than that....