
Problem is, not everyone who gets HPV will get cancer.

Leave it alone? Are you kidding me? A venomous snakes presence in my yard is call for immediate termination of mass proportion. Not only will the head be cut off but will also become one with the earth as it is bashed into oblivion. Snakes are evil ya know. LOL

You need to brine the chicken for 24 hours prior to frying. This will ensure juicy tasty chicken. But yes, cast iron is the best!

Common sense says I can feel however I want to feel. Being a dick is complaining about what others do when you clearly have the choice not to frequent places that would cater to the ones who make that choice. The point is that government has meddled too much and think "they" know what is good for us and what isn't.

Awwww feelings got hurt because you can't deal with it. Bish....really? Are you still in Junior High? Try something from this decade next time...

You're clearly uneducated because you posted the same thing twice. Any foreign substance entering the lungs will cause deterioration. Even the air you breathe is not good for them and can cause lung cancer. Step back and get off your weed high horse. None of it is good for you either way.

Exactly, if you smoke anything...and it doesn't have to be're screwing your lungs up. Hell even the normal air you breathe can cause lung cancer due to the shit that is in it. Moral of the story....anything foreign into your lungs will cause some kind of deterioration.

You're a moron if you believe that. Anything you ingest into your lungs that is foreign will help deteriorate them quicker.

Well with the highest average speeds on highways in the country.....all this does is help up that average!!!

Because they're sheep.......mindless entities.

Wow, throw out a party affiliation. Sorry but I don't support any political party because they're all fucking nutballs. I support the party of Common Sense. Thing is, government has taken the rights away from private business owners. If a business owner wants to cater to people who vape or smoke...they should be

Sure, complain about smelling the liquid. Guess you're not having a fit over the totally shit air you breathe when you walk out your door everyday....yeah I thought so..hypocrite.

Good for you now sit down and shut the fuck up, plenty of people do.

Then don't go where people smoke indoors, dumbass..


Just another in the long line of mass expenditures for nothing. There should be only a handful of places the Olympics can take place due to infrastructure and not having countries shell out billions of dollars for things that will go to waste. Yeah real green and planet friendly all this is...

Maybe she got her ass kicked after they left the plane.....

Ye not forget that smoking ganja will accomplish pretty much the same thing to the lungs...

Just another political ploy to make the idiot who calls himself the governor look good in the midst of a state that shouldn't even exist because they can't manage it properly. Smartphones at least Android and iOS already have this stuff built in and making a big deal about it only makes him look more like the douche

Piss on you WHO, tired of government interfering with my choices.