
So I typed a 3 instead of a 2. Big whoop. Of course you'll try to chastise me for it but it only makes you look the fool. The current AK's use 5.45x39mm btw. You really need to do the math. So let me spell it out for you.

They don't give out medals for being the lowest qual. Try again chump.

Federal trumps and states anything within public view is able to be photographed.

Agreed, it's not for black people. Until the majority of them change their attitudes instead of thinking they deserve or are owed something, it will never change. I mean seriously, why is affirmative action still in place? Oh yeah, to appease the black population because they say they are afforded the same as the

Wow, you actually think you know something eh?

BTW...most cops can't shoot worth a shit..I know plenty of them, Marine military qualifications completely blow away law enforcement ones. I can put a kill shot with a .22 down and the cop will miss the kill shot 90% of the time. That's why you hear about multiple shots (in one case over 14) and the guy only got hit

I'm not upset, I'm stating fact and opinion. Cops aren't trained to have lead coming at them. Even SWAT doesn't get that. Live fire only happens in the military which I know about because I've been there. I don't really care that your entire family is LAPD or Sheriffs, . BTW...your 556 is only a .223 and the AK is

Oh it's happened quite a lot since then. Maybe you should look around before making such a stupid statement.

And you're assuming in the hail of lead coming at them that cops actually can drop in a kill shot? Not happening. I shoot better than most cops I know and have outgunned them in tactical trainers. Most cops aren't trained to handle lead coming at them.

I already came at you bro...fucking dumbass with the "bro" shit. What are you 15? Again, let me pull an AK and I won't even try and dead aim you and I still say you won't walk your chicken shit ass up to me. You're just a loudmouth punk who thinks you actually know something and are failing at being Billy Bad Ass.

Guess you've never heard of the ghetto fucks who completely laid waste to cops in LA at a bank robbery with them. Your idea is completely idiotic, you have to get close enough and I guarantee you that you're not going to walk through a storm of lead to put said 9mm against the head...Move on dreamer.

Proper riot control?? What the fuck are you going to do? Go in and talk to these ghetto fools? Perfect scenario for getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter. Rioters should be shot, no if's, and's or but's. Rioting doesn't accomplish anything except making the rioters look like utter fools. I bet you're

Yep and it sucks big time.

You think anyone cares about the Geneva Convention? If you think so, you are naive.

Hey fuckstick......the police should have whatever weapons will keep the population from being total douches. You become a cop and roll up to a scene with some ghetto fuck with an AK-47 and you with your puny 9mm. Yeah your tune changes then...dumbass.

Wow blow your top much? Where the fuck do you get entitled out of that? Entitlement to the fucking road which was made for cars and trucks? Oh yeah that's right. It isn't a couple of seconds, try 5 minutes. Again if you are on that type of road, you are being nothing but a fucking douche who thinks the road

Wow, you really are a bigger douche than I thought after reading the first statement.

This is only partially true. The TABC approves labels in Texas, not the Feds.

Wow you really don't know beer...