
You can usually time lights at a certain speed. In most areas I'm in, that equates to about 50mph at sometimes in a 35mph zone. Works quite well as I know the city has the lights on timers and not activated by the pads in the road.

You don't need a knife, all you need is lukewarm water and run the scoop under it. I guess you've never seen the water cups ice cream parlors use to combat this...

Again, that's not proof. It's just theory which is far from truth and fact. You aren't born gay/bisexual. I don't have a problem with LGBT people, I know many and most everyone tells me they just chose one day to become part of that sect. Even the married guy who had kids and then turned gay, then after 10 years

They are pushing solar and wind to homeowners but only the upper echelon can afford it. Want to make a real impact.......lower the damn price. That's what I'm talking about, homeowners.

Problem is...releasing them back into the wild can be a death sentence since the more man decides to encroach on their habitat and animal control ends up killing them. It's a vicious cycle. Personally I don't care if they come into a neighborhood, take care of your pets that would be victims of their food source.

Except until you make it affordable for the average won't matter much. That's the problem with Solar and Wind, they are still to insanely expensive.

This is easy to answer. 500ft above your dwelling thanks to the FAA and Mineral Rights cover anything under your property.

Just send a black operative in there and put him to rest.

Prove it's biology......yeah that's what I thought. Try your propaganda elsewhere.

and still, it's all a choice.

Personally I don't give a shit. Nothing really bad is going to happen in my lifetime and when it does I'll be long long dead. I live my life for me, not for everyone else. If this sounds selfish, it is.

I'm sorry but that so called research is total bullshit. My generation grew up with it and we turned out so much better than the non-responsible, non-respecting, affluenza and entitled little shits today. Want the true research......take a look at how everything has spiraled downhill since corporal punishment was

Get off your unicorn, sorry you can't deal with the fact that what I said is true regardless of whether things are widely accepted or not. The thing being that "Science is just educated guesses" coming from a scientist basically puts this issue to bed.

I call bullshit. You fools who think spanking doesn't work needs to look two generations back before corporal punishment was removed from schools. There were less issues with kids then and it has only gotten worse because of the "oh no...I'm not spanking my child mindset." This in itself has led to the entitled

Why not? Maybe then the little turdette will know she fucked up.

Sorry...the girl is just gorgeous!

Nothing but a bunch of nothing to do douche police officers there. It has been known for this for years and one of the only states that do not raise speed limits to the standards they should only due to their idiotic power trip.


Again, there is no difference. Everything is a theory...just an educated guess. That's what I said to begin with. It is no different than what you are saying but you look at it a different way.

Not really when it is truly the same damn thing....