
What I said is exactly what a theory is. An educated guess. Not absolute proof. FYI...definition of theory..."an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true" Next time, get your shit together before saying someone doesn't know what something is.

Distiller, an Untappd for whiskey...

So basically still no one knows why it happens or why it is contagious. Theories are just that, not proof. You should change the title of the article to "May have found the reason for yawns"

Certainly not the best anyway...Subarrogant

Why the fuck are we bringing them back in the first place???

Well at least you are honest enough to admit that it is "best guess" something which some of us have known but others think it is the gospel.

Just had this nasty image of all the redneck hunters fapping to this girl and yelling "She Can Shoot!" when they cum. This girl is just some wannabe celeb who doesn't know her head from her ass. As another commenter said, leave their environment alone and not hunt them and the species is fine. But then

This particular reason is a really lame reason to root.......

Sorry, why root your phone and spend time doing this when as said.....just push the damn button!

Sort of like a magnesium fire..

True but you'll never make it unless you have a fermentable sugar. Water and yeast won't do anything together.

Plus if it isn't blowing on you then you lose the evap effect..

Great story! It's funny because I know Crandall, TX and used to work very close to there and even know some people that know Joe. All of them talk highly of him and his dedication to his country and his aircrafts.

Fucking douches......very simple solution to this.....screens dumbasses, screens.

I had the pleasure of working on this amazing aircraft. LTV/Vought Aerospace was a major subcontractor on the B-2. We built the engine nacells and most of the top of the wing. We utilized a specially built tool to form the inlets to the engine which are mostly carbon fiber. The tool was huge and looked like a big

You left out one factor.......heat.

Well if spoiled people stopped developing right on the coastline, this wouldn't be a really needed item.

Well if boneheads wouldn't build a city lower than sea level they wouldn't have to spend billions trying to keep the thing from flooding.

That is if you aren't already knocked out by the smell of my massive gas discharge...

Not surprising, it doesn't take much for tar to soften up anyway. Tar becomes very very soft at anything over 100F on a blacktop road.