
Tony was a remarkable man, stuck to his plan and ended up a legend. I was lucky enough to meet him while living in San Diego in the military. Such a personable, stand up guy. He will be missed but his achievements will live on.

He's headed down the Tebow route.

And to think someone would feel sorry for him if he fell off and died......Nope...Nope..Not me.

Sure, throw out a totally lame idea. The chances of your particular house getting damaged by a tornado are very slim. You're more likely to have earthquake damage in California or Hurricane damage if you live along the gulf/east coast. Take a step back and look at reality...

That name sounds familiar. I worked there from 84 to 89. My dad retired in 93-94 if I remember right. He's still a member of the retiree's club.

Oh BTW...One guy I know still worked there not too long ago. Arnie Osuna.

I think the only reason was the weight carrying capacity is why it was pushed so hard. The F-16's airframe couldn't come close but I think you're totally spot on with the LANTIRN pods being way way too expensive.

That looks like Building 20 with 16 in the background.

Nice, yes I know the site was sold and sad to see things dwindle down. My father worked there for 33 years. While I was there I worked on the A-7, B-2, C-17, 747, CL-601, and the Space Shuttle. I remember the day we were at work when Challenger blew up, very somber mood and people were crying.

I used to work at LTV and was a part of the A-7F program. The plane itself was impressive as stated in the amount of ordinance weight it could carry. LTV began selling the A-7 to the Greek Air Force and various South American countries as well. I'll relay a couple of interesting stories about the A-7 and bad things

If you see smoke....your bit is already done in. This rings true with any metal whether it be aluminum, titanium, whatever. Don't go gung ho and keep it cool and lubricated.

You should also brine the chicken for 24 hours prior to anything.

"When Mike Richards scores on you, it's time to pack it in" boy this statement rings sooooooo true!

I'd get ducts cleaned even if you don't smell smoke in a house. You never know what nasty stuff is all up in those things.

I don't think people want to use a garage as intended, most everyone I see in neighborhoods just stores crap in them, not vehicles. I will say it is probably a turn off though as we did a garage conversion and it's taking a good while to sell our house.

But a pan isn't..............duh

You should not attempt to harass these animals, you have encroached on their habitat. Worried about your pets? Maybe you shouldn't have them, either that or have a dog big enough that coyotes won't even come near your yard.

I'm currently selling my house and the webcam does wonders. I have it setup under my TV on top of my XBMC laptop on a shelf and on motion detection so that I know when someone comes in during a showing of my house, what they are looking at and even the audio to understand what they like and don't like about the house.

Yep because steak is meant to be cooked on an open flame, not a pan you trendy fuck.

The only evidence here is that upper scale restaurants and the vile so called chefs that run them have no fucking clue about beef. The people who frequent these establishments are just as clueless as well. Ever heard of Shoulder Clod? Oh yeah you know you're going to look it up now and these chefs probably have