
Weather is nice there :) Lived there for 6 years. Just don't live out in the valley.

Here's the thing. As a former San Diego resident who has flown in and out of that airport many times and lived in the western flight path on Point Loma, HELL YES it sucks. Instead of doing the right thing and turning Miramar into a nice International Airport, they chose to be dumbasses. Typical Cali thinking there.

The point is you have to configure it...oh yeah...duh. Average user isn't going to do that. Sorry but just a fact. I've been working with Linux and Unix for years in my job. It's a better server OS than it is a desktop OS just because of that.

Us IT professionals know that in a corporate environment that Linux won't cut it as a desktop OS which for the average user is complicated. Linux will never be the mainstream OS you fools want it to be. Why? Because it was never meant to be that. Sure it's great for running apache and mysql but for a normal home

Because they don't want to. More stuff runs on Windows and until the corporate world decides....which it won' run Linux as an enterprise desktop OS, the consumer side will not change.

I wouldn't call a Linux distro an upgrade. Too many people still use things that Linux can't do or if it can, they'd have to relearn a different program. While the TuxHeads think it's the way to go, the majority says it isn't.

I wouldn't call a Linux distro an upgrade. Too many people still use things that Linux can't do or if it can, they'd have to relearn a different program. While the TuxHeads think it's the way to go, the majority says it isn't.

He obviously hasn't. My experience came in the middle of the Indian Ocean miles away from anything. So peaceful and what a beautiful view!

They need to break it down further and put that if it is a Chubby White Woman...she's more likely to respond to a Black know they prefer the BBC over everything else...

They need to break it down further and put that if it is a Chubby White Woman...she's more likely to respond to a Black know they prefer the BBC over everything else...

Man that pic is me in a nutshell....well add about a quarter of the ho stack to the beer stack that is.

Because you're transmitting data across a governmental funded network.......

Any anyone is surprised by this revelation?

VOR (Vertical Omnidirectional Radar) systems are still in wide use throughout the nations major airport areas.

Yeah but no one cared when you were handing your buddy a dubbed cassette.......It's only because you can do it on the internet so easily now that the industry is complaining.

Most of these guys aren't true hunters anyway. Putting out a corn feeder and waiting for an unsuspecting animal to go eat it isn't hunting.

Still a shithole.

You don't want to go to that shithole. I spent enough time there as it was. The only thing worthwhile about the area is Foxwoods Casino....

The USS Parche gathered better intelligence and stuff than the NR-1 did. Parche was specifically retro-fitted with SIGINT and classified Sonar arrays. She was tied up across the pier from us for a long time and even though my clearance was as high as my Captains....I still couldn't get on that boat to look around.